Elon Musk's Behavior Really Inflamed Russia


Elon Musk is clearly one of the figures who made Russia infuriated. Some of his actions and words on social media did confirm his defense of Russia -invaded Ukraine.

Some time ago, Elon challenged Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, to a one -on -one duel. With this I challenge Vladimir Putin to a one -on -one fight. The bet is Ukraine, "Elon Musk said in a tease.

The challenge drew him to be criticized in Russia, as well as making Musk harassed by Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. Ramzan was a feared leader and was an ally of Russia. He called Musk a sissy and less muscular so it was inappropriate to challenge Putin.

"You need to strengthen your muscles in order to transform from a sissy Elona into a brutal Elon," Ramzan wrote.

According to him, if Musk does not practice, Putin will defeat Musk by force because Musk is too weak an opponent. Not only that, the hassle caused by Elon Musk.

Initially, the internet connection from the Starlink satellite operated by SpaceX, Elon Musk's company, was intended to help Ukrainians. But later, the Ukrainian military also used it as a powerful weapon against Russia.

Starlink's internet beam is very helpful in areas of Ukraine that are no longer connected due to the Russian attack. Moreover, the connection is relatively stable, allowing drone pilots to reconnaissance or coordinate and shoot targets accurately.

"We use Starlink devices and connect between the drone and our team. If we use the drone at night with thermal vision, the drone has to connect to Starlink on the artillery team and create a target acquisition," said one of the drone pilots.

Russia is clearly not happy that Elon Musk through his company, SpaceX, provides internet connection to Ukraine from Starlink satellites. The Russians have already expressed regret over the matter.

"As Russia implemented its highest national mission in Ukrainian territory, Elon Musk instead appeared with Starlink, which was previously declared purely for civilians," said Dmitry Rogozin, head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos.

In response, Elon Musk made a sarcasm. "Ukraine's civil internet is experiencing a strange disruption, possibly due to bad weather? So SpaceX is helping to fix it," he wrote on Twitter.

Musk admitted he only wanted to help in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. "I think I can help in the war. I try to take the action that is most likely to increase the probability that the future will be good," he said.

"And of course I sometimes make mistakes in this matter. I do everything I can to ensure that the future will be good for humanity. That's the kind of action I take," concluded Elon Musk.

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