Love relationships are supposed to be based on love for each other. But have you ever felt extraordinary love, but on the other hand also hated your partner? If so, maybe you are in a love hate relationship situation.
People who are stuck in this relationship feel the relationship like a roller coaster. Although feeling happy because of love, fatigue is also a burden to haunt every time. If not addressed immediately, then this can have a negative impact. Then what should be done to overcome love and relationship? Here's the review!
What is a Love Hate Relationship?
Reporting from Very Well Family, a love hate relationship is a relationship in which the perpetrator feels intense emotions and tends to feel oscillated between love and hate. Sabrina Romanoff, psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University, revealed that people who are in this relationship will feel happiness and fatigue at the same time.
This condition generally arises for various reasons, one of which is because there is a lack of respect and love for the partner. In fact, this thought usually arises simply because your partner can't be what you want them to be. In addition, this condition also arises because of the perception that problems, jealousy, and anger are signs of affection.
Beware of the Bad Impact of Love Hate Relationship
Being in a relationship does require a mature attitude. Actually, problems in relationships are normal because two heads can't always go hand in hand. But for the perpetrators of love hate relationships, the emotions they express are considered a way of expressing love. Meanwhile, on the one hand, conflicts that arise are gradually creating a sense of fatigue.
In the end, this will have an impact on mental development. The relationship you are in will gradually become toxic which will affect other aspects, ranging from social, career, friendship, and so on. If not addressed immediately, instead of getting calm, you will actually be trapped in feelings of suspicion, discomfort, and far from happy.
Signs of Love Hate Relationship
As stated above, conflict in relationships is actually normal. But the problem is if the condition turns into a toxic condition that has a bad impact continuously.
Before it's too late, you need to realize whether the conflict you experience with him leads to a love hate relationship or not. You need to be vigilant if you start to face the following situations:
Continue to have an on-and-off relationship.
Feeling love and hate with the same intensity, and these feelings always appear alternately.
When you are with friends or family, you often complain about your partner.
You begin to notice that something is not right with your relationship.
People closest to you start asking why you are still holding on. You feel confused about where your relationship is going.