You must be familiar with the figure of Dian Sastrowardoyo. Dian Sastrowardoyo is one of the most intelligent and inspiring women in Indonesia. He has won many prestigious achievements in various fields. The film What's Up with Love (2002) became the beginning of Dian Sastro's success until now she has become a top actress.
Behind all his success, there is hard work and effort that he has done. So that his enthusiasm and efforts need to be used as an example for women.
So, what are the things that should be imitated and can be learned from a Dian Sastro? Come on, see!
Ambitious in Career and Education
Not only as an actress, Dian Sastro also spread her wings as a film producer. He successfully produced the film Guru-Guru Gokil (2020) with Shanty Harmayn and his colleagues. Dian also played a supporting role as a chemistry teacher in the film.
Not only that, Dian Sastro is also involved as one of the directors in the omnibus film Quarantine Tales (2020). The film is inspired by stories from the quarantine period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dian raised the title Nougat, which tells the story of three brothers who can only meet through virtual.
Even though she is busy with her career and taking care of her family, Dian Sastro is still concerned with education. Graduating a bachelor's degree from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Indonesia in 2007 did not make him complacent. Dian Sastro also successfully completed the Master of Management program at the University of Indonesia in 2014 with cum laude predicate.
Have an Education Foundation
In December 2009, Dian Sastro founded a non-profit foundation called Yayasan Dian. This foundation has three main focuses, namely making a positive contribution in the fields of education, women's empowerment, and Indonesian culture.
The foundation was established as Dian Sastro's gratitude for all the achievements she has received during her life. However, the main reason he founded the foundation was because he won the Citra Award for his role in the film Ada Apa dengan Cinta (2002).
"Why did I initially start the Dian Foundation, if I'm not mistaken, it was close after I got the Citra Cup in what year was that. I feel like I should be very grateful for this," said Dian Sastro, from the Daniel Mananta Network YouTube channel.
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Her grandmother's message before she died was also the reason for Dian to realize the foundation. The grandmother advised that she could be a useful person for many people and always be grateful.
Be a Responsible Mother and Wife
Dian Sastro also realizes that she must continue to fulfill her obligations as a wife and mother even though she is freed to continue working and working in the entertainment world.
"As a wife, I feel that even though I have never been asked by my husband, I feel that being a much better wife can still prepare food at home, even though I am busy," she concluded on Mrs AyuDewi's Youtube channel.
In addition, Dian also does not leave her responsibility to take care of her children's school needs. She tries to manage her life to keep it balanced, both as a mother, wife and career woman. Not surprisingly, his small family is rarely hit by unpleasant issues.
Dian Sastro Always Takes Time to Read
Last Saturday (19/02), netizens were surprised by the contents of Dian Sastro's house because of the Instagram post from the @customlahanakmuda account. This became viral because the contents of Dian Sastro's house were filled with a collection of plates and other collections. Previously, Dian Sastro also never revealed the contents of his house to be covered in any media.
The most surprising thing is that in Dian Sastro's bathroom there are several books and highlighters. Not only that, the workplace is like a mini library. Even though she is busy with her career and taking care of her family, Dian always finds time to read.