Getting to know the Singing Bowl, the tool used by Mak Rara the Rain handler at the Mandalika Circuit


The MotoGP event which was just held at the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara on Sunday (20/3) left many stories. One of the most highlighted was about the figure of Mak Rara, a rain handler at the event.

During the event, heavy rain enveloped the Mandalika Circuit. Mak Rara immediately went to the field to carry out his duties as a rain handler. If you pay attention, in the viral action, you can see Mak Rara aka Rara Istiani Wulandari holding a golden bowl filled with water, aka a singing bowl. Inevitably, the singing bowl also went viral and was discussed by the wider community.

So, what is a singing bowl? Is it true that singing bowls are good for health? Come on, find out the following explanation!

What is a Singing Bowl?

Used during rituals to drive away rain, singing bowls are actually bowls that are often used for meditation and relaxation activities. Singing bowls produce sound and vibration when struck or circled with a hammer-like tool.

Singing bowls are also known as Himalayan bowls and are believed to offer powerful healing properties, as reported by Very Well Mind. Buddhist monks have long used this tool in meditation practice. In addition, several health practitioners (including music therapists, massage therapists, and yoga therapists) use singing bowls during treatment sessions.

History of Singing Bowl

Singing bowls have long been used in Tibet, China and surrounding areas for religious and spiritual ceremonies and meditation. There is still debate about the origin of the singing bowl, but there is some evidence to suggest that the singing bowl originated in China around the 16th century BC.

At first, singing bowls were made of various metals, such as mercury, lead, silver, iron, gold, and copper. But along with the times, now there are also singing bowls made of crystal.

Historically, singing bowls were usually given as gifts to the bride. The reason is, metal materials in certain compositions in singing bowls can improve the quality of the materials or objects in them, including detecting the toxic content.

The use of singing bowls grew in popularity in the 1990s. People use them as an alternative medicine for various ailments.

Singing Bowl Type

The types of singing bowls are quite diverse based on the sound. Singing bowl practitioner who is also the founder of Singing Bowl Indonesia, Adeline Windy, explained that in general, deep bowls are usually used for Grounding Meditation.

Meanwhile, this high-pitched bowl can be used to visualize something spacious, as wide as the sky.

"Sound (singing bowl) changes our brain waves from high, for example from fast and high from gamma to beta, or beta to alpha, alpha to tetha, so that when we are in an uncertain, chaotic condition, want to meditate, using a singing bowl will able to make brain waves enter into a mental state and body relaxation. So we can meditate more deeply."

Singing Bowl Benefits

Singing bowls are known for their benefits in meditation and relaxation, but there is still little scientific research examining the benefits of singing bowls. However, some people report that singing bowls can help them feel more relaxed.

Here are some of the benefits of using a singing bowl:

Singing Bowl for Meditation

One of the uses of singing bowls is for meditation. Crystals, minerals, and flowers, the frequency of natural elements as singing bowl materials can affect humans.

In contrast to humans, whose frequency can fluctuate when angry, sad, or embarrassed, the natural elements are more stable so it is hoped that humans will be helped by these natural elements.

"There are low singing bowls, deep ones, some with high voices. This is also what allows us to meditate. For example, meditation involves meditating on loving-kindness or wanting to manifest something. This is manifested in the head, in the brain, the singing bowl-singing sound. The high bowl helps us get in more," Adeline said.

Singing Bowl for Physical Therapy

Singing bowls can also be used for cleansing and physical therapy. Singing bowls can emit strong vibrations or vibrations, which can affect the energy in a room.

"For example, we have backpain or back pain. It can be helped with singing bowl therapy. It is done regularly because it utilizes these vibrations. It is absorbed by our body because it is brought closer to the body, we respond. It vibrates so that the blockage or obstacles that exist can be slowly released," he concluded.

Singing bowls are not only used by professionals, but can also be used by ordinary people. Everyone can learn to use a singing bowl whether for meditation, or other functions such as cleansing and physical therapy.

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