Good News, COVID-19 Pandemic Will Become Endemic! These are the terms and predictions


For two years, people around the world have been living in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, there were so many changes, uncertainties, and adaptations that had to be faced. However, there is good news here. The COVID-19 pandemic is predicted to become endemic soon.

For information, endemic is a disease that is contagious in an area or in a group of people. The difference between a pandemic and an endemic lies in the severity of the disease.

So, when will the COVID-19 pandemic turn into an endemic? Apparently, there are several conditions that must be met first. Anything? Come on, see the discussion!

Conditions for the COVID-19 Pandemic Turns into an Endemic

At the end of February, WHO Head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the danger phase due to COVID-19 could be completed by mid-2022. However, there are two conditions that can make this prediction come true.

First, vaccination rates in some countries are already very high and should be more evenly distributed. Second, the severity of COVID-19 symptoms carried by the Omicron variant is not as severe as the previous variants.

Even though the acute phase of the pandemic is over, you can't be completely relieved yet. The reason is, Tedros reminded the world to be prepared for the potential for more variants to appear in the future. In fact, ideal conditions for more infectious and more dangerous variants could exist.

WHO Emergency Director Michael Ryan said 2022 would be a turning point for a pandemic that could turn into an endemic state.

"What we need to do is achieve a low incidence of disease with maximum vaccination of our population so no one has to die. That's the end of the state of emergency in my view. That's the end of the pandemic," Ryan said.

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