How to know if your cellphone has been hacked and the signs

 HP has become a versatile device in today's era, from playing games, exchanging messages to banking. Apparently, almost everyone has a smartphone to work with. Unfortunately, literacy for the security of the cellphones used are sometimes forgotten. This makes HP more vulnerable to being infiltrated or hacked.

How to know if your cellphone has been hacked by someone? What are the signs that the cellphone you are using has been hacked? Reported by Jigsaw Academy, you can already start to be alert if there are signs that are similar to the following:

How to find out HP is hacked

To find out, you need to look at and pay attention to the HP functions carefully. If your cellphone displays or exhibits suspicious or inappropriate behavior or functions, there is a possibility that your smartphone has been hacked. Starting from an old working cellphone or some mysterious text, you can determine for yourself whether there is a possibility that the cellphone you are holding is currently being hacked or not.

Signs of a hacked cellphone

Strange or unusual warnings and pop-ups. If you see some inappropriate content and ads such as adult content, this indicates that your phone may be hacked.

Text, message, or some calls you've never made. If you find some text messages or requests that you never made yourself, the phone is likely hacked. Usually, people realize their cellphone has been hacked when they experience this incident.

Higher data usage. There are more reasons for the sudden increase in internet data usage. But if this goes on for a long time, it's time to research if your cellphone has been hacked.

Apps you don't recognize or download on your smartphone. New smartphones often come with some popular files and apps that were downloaded earlier. However, if you find some new folders and apps popping up after you bought them, there's a chance that malware or hacking is involved.

Battery usage suddenly increases. Pay attention when the phone battery is draining faster than usual, it can be a sign that your cellphone has been hacked. However, if your phone isn't hacked and it's still happening, it's likely that you just need a new phone.

HP gets hot easily. Along with battery drain, the phone also gets hot during use. It is possible that the HP Internet connection and data are being used faster than usual.

Poor HP performance. Does HP have problems when opening pages in the browser in the form of loading very slowly and crashing when using some websites? Are you also facing delays while sending and receiving messages? Watch out, these are all signs of an HP hack.

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