Currently, there is one game that is viral and becomes a trending topic on Twitter, namely Earth Day Quiz. So how to play it?
Based on our monitoring results, Tuesday (15/3/2022), Earth Day Quiz can predict a person's personality, from the various choices that have been presented by the developer. Where later, there will be an object that describes the character of the player, with a supporting caption included.
Some of them are corals, mammoths, bees, dragons, giant squid and many more. Now to be able to enjoy it, you can follow these simple steps.
How to Play and Earth Day Quiz Link
Earth Day Quiz Game Link
Then type in the search engine with the keyword "Earth Day Quiz".
Then simply answer the questions presented by Google.
How to play Earth Day Quiz
To play Earth Day Quiz is not difficult. Just answer a few questions. To be precise, there are a total of five questions to be answered. Then when finished, at the end of the game the player will be shown one of the animals that describes your personality.
Actually, besides being present on Google, guessing characters based on their own animals is also available on the psycatgames site. You will be presented with various categories.
If you want to try it, you can directly visit the site and type in the search menu, namely Which Animal Are You. You can also enter the word Earth Day Quiz. Then just press Start Quiz.
The Earth Day Quiz Game has successfully filled the Trending Topic Twitter slot in Indonesia. By accumulating 4,264 tweets, since this story was created.
Many netizens shared the results of the Earth Day Quiz game. Like one Twitter user, said that the bee he got was related to his personality.
"I got it. Earth Day Game. Anyway, how come it's related," he wrote.
A little information, Earth Day itself is actually celebrated every year on April 22 next month. Earth Day was first initiated in 1970 when the modern environmental movement began by raising public awareness about the state of the planet Earth at that time