Currently, several companies or well-known figures such as Bill Gates are actively campaigning for the consumption of synthetic meat as a substitute for real animal meat. Some even predict that in 2035, humans will no longer eat animal flesh.
In some countries such as the United States, fast food restaurants such as KFC or Burger King are starting to introduce synthetic meat which tastes like real meat. This trend is expected to continue.
Impossible Foods CEO, Patrick Brown, stated that the plant-based meat produced by his company will taste better in the future. Even in 2035, it is predicted that synthetic meat will be so popular that it will actually replace animal meat.
"Our mission is to completely replace the use of animals as food by 2035. We are very serious about it. We strongly believe that this goal can be done," he said as quoted by us from Futurism, Tuesday (22/3/2022) .
He said that vegetarian food is currently increasingly in demand by the public. Burger King has launched a real meatless Whooper burger in 2019. While this year KFC introduced chicken synthetic meat on its menu and was quite in demand by its customers.
Previously, Bill Gates in his latest book entitled How To Avoid a Climate Disaster presented various suggestions so that the impacts of climate change could be suppressed, one of which was 'forbidding' beef.
Cows are indeed the largest contributor to methane gas which has a negative impact on the atmosphere. Biologically, according to Bill Gates, it is very difficult to reduce the number of methane gas, so maybe the way is to eat synthetic meat from protein as a substitute for beef.
"I think all rich countries should move 100% to synthetic meat. You will get used to the difference in taste and there are also claims that the taste will get better over time," advises Bill Gates.