Increase the worship of Allah SWT in the month of Ramadan

 It's not long before we enter the holy month of Ramadan. The month that all Muslims around the world have been waiting for, and of course you, right? During the month of Ramadan, there are many things that you must be waiting for, starting from sahur with family, ngabuburit before breaking the fast, breaking fast with friends, to tarawih together at the mosque. Although there are many fun activities, don't forget to do our obligatory worship.

Such as performing the five daily prayers, fasting during the day, paying zakat fitrah, also performing sunnah worship such as increasing alms. Because, Allah SWT has promised to give a double reward in the month of Ramadan if we do all the good that is recommended and loved by Him.

So, what is the worship that Allah SWT loves the most?

Speaking of worship, Imam Ghazali, through his book entitled Mukasyafatul Qulub once narrated the story of Prophet Musa AS, who asked Allah SWT about what type of worship He liked the most. In his book, Imam Ghazali narrates that at one time, Prophet Musa was given the opportunity to meet directly with Allah SWT on His throne. At that meeting, Prophet Musa (AS) repeated the question several times about what kind of worship Allah is most pleased with.

"O Allah, I have performed the worship that You commanded. Which of my acts of worship do You like the most? What is my prayer?" Allah SWT replied, "No. Indeed, your prayer is for yourself. Because prayer keeps you from doing evil and evil."

Then, Prophet Musa AS continued to ask, "Is that my dhikr?" Again, God said no. "Your dhikr is also for yourself. Because with dhikr, your heart will feel calm." Prophet Musa, who still did not feel that he had received an answer, asked again, "What is my fast?" Allah replied, "Your fasting is also for yourself only. Because by fasting, humans train themselves in curbing their lusts."

Prophet Musa, who was still astonished, finally asked his last question. "Then what worship makes you happy, O Allah?" he said. Finally, Allah SWT replied, "Alms. When you make people who are in trouble with charity, then I am by their side."

Responding to the story of Prophet Musa AS above, Habib Husein Ja'far Al Haddar in his book, "God Is in Your Heart" explained that the noblest worship and apparently loved by Allah SWT is to share happiness with fellow humans, who are also His creations. In other words, building good relations between humans can actually exceed the value of ritualistic worship alone.

Another reason why alms is the worship that Allah loves the most is because it is a form of love for fellow humans and living creatures. In addition, giving charity is a noble attitude that also aims to grow happiness in people who share. By giving charity, we erase the sins we have committed, free us from the fire of hell, prevent immorality, multiply our rewards, do not reduce our wealth, and will also provide shade for us on the Day of Judgment.

Well, for those of you who want to #Benefit and give charity in this month of Ramadan, you don't need to bother anymore to come to a certain place or person to give alms. In this modern era, all aspects of life have been made easy by technology platforms that will help you perform this worship that Allah loves, anytime and anywhere.

The holy month of Ramadan is getting closer! Let's welcome the month full of grace and goodness with appropriate charity, through the convenience of And let's do a lot of good and live #30Benefit Days during this Ramadan!

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