Instagram Tests Reply Stories Feature Using Voice Message

 Instagram is constantly adding new ways to interact in Stories. This time they developed a feature to reply to Stories with voice messages.

This new Instagram feature was discovered by developer Alessandro Paluzzi, who is known to reverse engineer the application to look for new features. Paluzzi shared a screenshot of the new feature for Instagram Stories via his Twitter account.

The screenshot shows Instagram Stories with a column for sending messages below it. In that column there is a microphone icon, right next to the GIF icon, as quoted from Android Police, Monday (28/3/2022).

Paluzzi did not provide other information about the new feature, and apparently there is no official information from Instagram about the new feature.

Instagram is also known to often develop new features but was immediately canceled after a trial period. So there is a possibility that this feature will not be rolled out publicly.

By developing this feature, Instagram seems to be inspired by Snapchat again. As is known, the concept of Stories that can disappear automatically was previously popularized by Snapchat, and Snapchat also has a feature to reply to stories with voice messages.

If this feature is launched, then Instagram Stories will get another big feature added. Previously, Instagram released a private like feature for Stories, where users can like Stories without having to fill the Stories creator's inbox.

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