Humans and mobile phones are now like two things that can not be separated. There are many times where humans spend more of the day holding their cellphones, both for work and entertainment.
Many people also carry their cellphones to bed. In fact, experts and several studies have revealed the dangers of cell phones brought to bed, which are associated with electromagnetic radiation waves.
On the other hand, experts also say that all cell phone use can have an impact on children's social and emotional development. This includes disrupting our sleep patterns and making us lazy to think.
In other words, the effect of a cellphone placed near the head can decrease brain function, including overall intelligence. Compiled from Very Well Mind, here are some things related to the brain, which can reduce intelligence.
Cognitive Ability
Recent studies have shown that smartphones do have an effect on the brain. The study, presented to the Radiological Society of North America, found that young people who were addicted to the internet and smartphones exhibited imbalances in brain chemistry compared to the control group.
Another study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that cognitive abilities decrease significantly whenever a person holds a smartphone, even when the phone is turned off.
Socio-Emotional Skills
Commenting appearing in the journal Pediatrics, researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine draw on the available literature on smartphone and iPad use among children.
Using these two devices to entertain and calm children can have a detrimental effect on their social and emotional development. This is because it is feared that children will not even be able to develop their own internal self-regulation mechanism.
Sleep Disorder
Using a smartphone or tablet before bed is likely to disrupt sleep. It's not that you're busy checking email or taking care of work, but experts warn that the type of light emitted from your screen can disrupt your sleep cycle, even after you turn it off.
For the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 12 adult participants were asked to read an e-book on an iPad for four hours each night before bed or read a printed book in dim lighting. After five consecutive nights, the two groups swapped activities.
The result, those who read e-books on the iPad before bed showed decreased levels of melatonin, a hormone that increases throughout the night, and causes sleepiness.
These participants also needed more time to fall asleep, and they experienced less rapid eye movement throughout the night. This is due to the blue light emitted by most mobile devices.
Quoted from the Times, one hour of sleep deprivation can turn the brains of sixth graders into fourth graders' brains. In other words, it can decrease intelligence.
Lazy Mental
Finally, excessive use of smartphones to bring them to bed is the creation of a sense of laziness in the mind. Instead of thinking of finding an answer that you can actually answer, you search for it via Google.
Or maybe instead of remembering important appointments or dates, you rely on apps on your phone to remind you. Some experts also warn that excessive dependence on mobile devices can lead to mental laziness.
"The problem with relying too much on the internet is that you can't know you have the right answer unless you think about it analytically or logically," explains Gordon Pennycook, one of the study's authors.
"Our research provides support for the association between heavy smartphone use and low intelligence," said Pennycook.