Maybe many of you are wondering why during the fertile period women's sexual arousal actually increases sharply. Turns out this is the answer!
Women's fertile period is the right time to increase the intimacy of married couples. That's because according to several studies, women experience an increase in sexual arousal which can make sex even hotter.
A woman's fertile period lasts about seven days each month. Quoted from Web MD, conducted a new study to examine patterns of sexual activity and its relationship with ovulation. It was found that sex was 24% more common during the most fertile days or when a woman's monthly cycle occurs.
"There seems to be a biological factor that drives sexual intercourse to occur during a woman's six days of childbearing, regardless of whether or not she plans to become pregnant," said Allen Wilcox, researcher from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, England. This proves true that women's sexual arousal increases during the fertile period.
Things That Affect Women's Sexual Arousal
In addition to biology, it turns out that there are various other factors that cause women's sexual arousal to increase, including during the fertile period. Quoted from the Instagram upload of dr. Haekal Anshari, M. Biomed (AAM), these are some things that affect sex drive.
1. Sexual stimulation received by women
2. Physical health conditions, such as the condition of the brain and nervous tissue, blood vessels, and other body parts.
3. Psychic condition
4. Previous sexual experiences, including personal perceptions of sexuality.
5. Testosterone
Testosterone in Women
Not only in men, women also have the hormone testosterone. Generally, a woman's body produces about 1/10 to 1/20 of the amount of testosterone like a man's body. The female hormone testosterone is produced by the ovaries, the adrenal glands, and the conversion of the hormone precursors Androstenedione and DHEA.
According to the upload of dr. Haekal, women's testosterone levels will increase in the middle third of the menstrual cycle. This condition eventually causes an increase in women's sex drive during the fertile period (ovulation).
In addition to helping provide sex drive, testosterone in the female body also has many important roles in the female body. Reporting from Healthline, testosterone in women helps maintain healthy bones, breasts, self-fertility, launches menstruation, and also maintains the health of vaginal tissue.
In vaginal tissue, testosterone helps relax vaginal smooth muscles resulting in clitoral erection and increased mucus secretion. This condition then helps vaginal lubrication so that dyspareunia (pain during penetration) does not occur.
If Testosterone Is Low In Women
In women, normal testosterone levels range from 15-70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood. If testosterone levels in women are lower than 15 ng/dL it can cause changes in breast tissue, fertility problems, missed or irregular menstrual periods, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, and low sex drive.
If this condition occurs, women may not be interested in sexual activity because of low testosterone.
So, although testosterone is the main hormone in men but it also plays an important role in providing sex drive and arousing women.