You've been working hard, how come the website isn't on the first page of Google? Maybe there is an error that you have missed even though it is very crucial in determining how friendly our website is in the eyes of Google.
Actually there are so many factors that make a website not appear on the first page of Google. According to Ilman, it all depends on each website itself. Keep in mind, SEO affects on-page factors (own pages) and off-page factors. So the answer cannot be generalized.
We have to see from each factor what makes us still lose. But that's the starting point, it's a factor on our own on-page or website.
Google's process for ranking pages takes a long time and involves search engine robots that are always monitoring the website. Well, the problem that often occurs, according to him, is when the web is not friendly for Google bots. Even though the content is visible in the eyes of the user, search engines cannot read it.
This happens on a website that is custom development, if a standard website -- make using wordpress, use another CMS -- it's usually safe, but if it's made by the IT development team itself, that's usually not a bestie with Google because the coding results are not easy to see by Google.
Therefore, Ilman suggests talking to the IT team and developers to find out if the website is Google-friendly. Make sure that the website is running according to the guidelines issued by Google. So before focusing on content, try to examine first whether our website has been developed properly or not.
There are guidelines, what should be done for javascript websites, for developers there is a checklist item. This is very technical.
"Before we discuss content and load speed, good navigation, make sure our website is already a bestie with Google.
Even so, that does not mean content is the umpteenth number or not important. In the same place, Hanny Setiawan CEO and Founder of Bewei Digital Agency said content is another thing that is sometimes the reason why websites are not optimal in SEO.
Sometimes, someone is too focused to activate backlinks, even though it can backfire, namely the content is not even found by Google.
Backlinks have many tools now. Until someone makes content, there is also, but the content is read by strange people. Not strange at all, but useless, just ordinary writings,.
In addition, master Google Analytics which can provide data related to our website. Hanny revealed that Google Analytics already displays a lot of information that can be used for website optimization.
Actually I think it should be mastered, that was long before the other techniques.