There are many situations, conditions, and circumstances that we face throughout the day. Emotionally, your feelings may have ups and downs with it. Especially if there is a situation that you think is bad.
As human beings, we have a tendency to be reactive. Whether in the form of words or behavior. In fact, bad feelings also lead us to make bad decisions.
However, this tendency is apparently not always carried out by everyone, especially people who have high emotional intelligence. Because, they understand that not everything they can control, except themselves. So, what they will do is control their thoughts and feelings.
Cancer is an emotional sign/Photo: Pexels/Pham KhoaiIllustration of sadness. (Photo: Pexels/Pham Khoai)
How do people with emotional intelligence deal with negative feelings that occur in their daily lives? Check out his review below.
Stay calm
Broadly speaking, people with high emotional intelligence are usually very understanding of their emotions and know that emotions greatly influence their decisions, speech, and actions. So, instead of acting angry and hurting others, they choose to remain calm.
They have ingrained principles in mind that never reply when angry, never promise when happy, and never make decisions when sad. Do you have it too?
Making Emotions As Teachers
The quickest way to deal with negative emotions within yourself is to ignore them. However, it's best if you don't do this. Instead, you need to identify the cause of the negative feeling so that it doesn't repeat itself in the future.
Every emotion has a deeper cause that it wants to acknowledge and understand. Therefore, facing and solving them will always contribute to your self-development.
Prefer Productive Than Silent
Intelligent people understand that every action has consequences that must be borne. Therefore, when they indulge their negative feelings with useless things, intelligent people will still do something that keeps them growing.
For example, when they are sad, maybe people generally choose to watch series or movies on Netflix and eat sweet foods to disguise the harsh reality, while intelligent people take advantage of the time when they are sad by exercising or turning it into work.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't indulge in sadness or negative feelings from time to time, but rather a sense of responsibility for your actions. Because, every decision to do or not do something will definitely have an impact on the results, whether it makes your life easier or more difficult in the end.