Parents Must Know, Recognize Children's Intelligence Through Their Activities! Here's How


Every child has a different intelligence. The intelligence of children is of course a pride for every parent. In fact, many parents do not hesitate to pay for their children's courses from an early age, just to find out the area of ​​​​the child's talent.

But, to find out the intelligence of the child, it turns out that there is no need to bother giving him various courses, you know. Because, through their activities, parents can know the intelligence of the baby. Launching from Motherly, the following is a child's intelligence that can be seen through their activities. Come on, see!


Of course you often see small children who are very happy to talk, even though it is in public, they are not afraid to speak actively.

If you have or find a child figure like the characteristics above, then it could be that the intelligence possessed by the child includes linguistic intelligence. Because linguistic intelligence itself means being able to master language both orally and in writing.

To develop intelligence in this field yourself, you can help actively invite the child to talk, invite him to read books, and other activities that can develop children's language intelligence.


Children are known for their wide and limitless imagination. Often you will find them playing with their toys and talking to themselves, as if they already have a series of stories in mind. Not only that, you may also often find children who like to draw on white paper even though the images are often abstract.

The characteristics mentioned above describe that the child has the intelligence of imagination. He prefers to translate the thoughts and imagination that is in his mind through visuals. This is because the child has the right imagination.

To develop intelligence in this case, you can help him to pour his imagination into the visualization he wants. For example, such as drawing, giving story books to increase their imagination, and inviting other activities that support the development of imagination intelligence.


The next activity is the art of music. Musical intelligence in children's activities can be seen through their sensitivity to tone or rhythm.

If your child is very happy to sing or reacts enthusiastically when hearing a musical instrument, then the child's intelligence tends to be in musical activities. Intelligence in this field can usually make the child be able to be more expressive through the music he listens to or plays.

To develop intelligence in music, you can give him music lessons, let your little one listen to the instrument he likes, invite him to sing, and other activities that can hone his intelligence in music.

Physical Activity

Seeing children actively playing with their friends is certainly a fun thing for parents. Did you know, if you see your little one actively playing, we can recognize his intelligence? This intelligence can be called physical intelligence.

Intelligence in this field can be seen through the activities of the child in his daily life. If your little one really likes running, playing ball, cycling, and others, it can be said that he has intelligence in physical activity. You can help develop the intelligence of the child to participate in playing physical activities with him.

Love Nature

Does your little one like the animals he saw in person? Playing in the mud? Or always pointing out the window when walking around? If yes, then it can be categorized in naturalist intelligence.

Naturalist intelligence makes the child very fond of being taken directly to the wild, such as the beach or camping in the mountains. He will also enjoy interacting with the animals he meets such as beetles, birds, cats, and others. Not only that, your little one may also find it easier to adapt to their environment.

To help develop his naturalist intelligence, you can take him camping more often, go to the beach, or the zoo to see various animals, and invite him to do outdoor activities.

Those were the five intelligences of children that can be seen through their activities. Basically every child in the world has a different intelligence. Whatever it is, always support the intelligence of your little one, because family and closest people are the first factor so that the intelligence of the child can develop properly.

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