Remember! Here's How to Calculate the Excel Average Formula

 Keep in mind, not everyone is familiar with using Microsoft Office. Maybe some have mastered it, but not all types.

Among you, it may be reliable in operating Word, but not with Power Point. Then experts in Outlook, even so have to be patient when meeting Microsoft Excel.

Because Excel itself, becomes software that is deliberately presented, to provide convenience and convenience to users. Where usually, used when performing work activities in the office and other businesses.

Here, you can take advantage of a variety of formulas, which have been pinned by the developer. It is useful, in the ease of providing the final result or value of your numbers and data.

Well in this discussion, we will give one of the tips, namely how to calculate the Excel average formula. So what's the trick? Consider the following brief explanation.

How to Calculate the Excel Average Formula

Tone no need to worry, because how to calculate this excel average formula, is not complicated at all. Then it is very useful, if you want to get the final result from the series of numbers that you insert.

Before that, there is a term to know, namely Syntax. Where is the writing of a function in Excel.

Well, for how to calculate the Excel average formula, write it like this: = AVERAGE (Number 1; [Number 2]; ...). The details are below.

Log in to Microsoft Excel, you can find it directly in the Windows search tools.

Log in and select Blank Workbook, if you want to select a blank file.

Enter a string of numbers into ROW (a row in the worksheet section that crosses horizontally from right to left, marked with numbers 1,2,3 and so on).

Then, select one of the CELLs (a meeting place of a combination of ROW and COLUMN such as B6 or C7).

Write the formula = AVERAGE and select the desired RANGE (Combination or group of several CELLs). For example A2: A7. So the complete form = AVERAGE (A2: A7).

Enter and the end result will come out.

More or less, so basic and simple steps related to how to calculate the Excel average formula. Hopefully useful.

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