Revealed, Ukraine Has Surrogacy Baby Factory! This is the story of a surrogate mother


Have you ever heard of the surrogacy method? Simply put, surrogate or surrogacy is a method that allows couples to have children of their own flesh and blood without having to get pregnant. Pregnancy occurs in the womb of a surrogate mother. The doctor will unite the sperm and egg from the original parents, then transfer them to the womb of the 'surrogate mother' until pregnancy and delivery occur.

The practice of surrogacy is common in Ukraine. In fact, the country that is at war with Russia is said to have a 'baby factory'. Every year, according to a BBC News report, at least 2,000 babies are born by surrogacy in Ukraine. The real parents of the babies are mostly from overseas, such as Canada, Italy and China.

Ukraine also has more than 50 reproductive clinics and there are many agencies, aka third parties, who bridge foreign couples in finding women willing to rent out their wombs.

According to a CNN International report, women who are willing to become surrogate mothers get paid between US $ 17,500 to US $ 25,000. This was revealed by Ihor Pechenoga, a doctor at the clinic that provides surrogacy services.

One of the women who had rented out her womb was Victoria. She helps a foreign couple who have been trying for 20 years to have children.

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