Smart people are hard to fall in love, really? Check out the facts here!

 Intelligence can be seen from several aspects. There are also many types of intelligence, there are language, interpersonal, emotional intelligence, and many more. Intelligence can also be seen from a person's IQ score.

In addition, a person's level of intelligence can determine some attitudes in him. One of them in terms of falling in love. There is an assumption that is often circulated that intelligent people are difficult to fall in love.

Is it true that intelligent people are difficult to fall in love? And what are the reasons why smart people find it difficult to fall in love and how can this happen? Come on, let's look at the following explanation!

Focus on objectives

One of the reasons why intelligent people find it difficult to fall in love is that they focus on achieving their goals first, then think about other things like falling in love. People who have intelligence are sometimes too focused on achieving their goals that they tend not to pay attention to their surroundings.

In addition, intelligent people like to make lists of their dreams and goals in life. This is what will be achieved first rather than thinking about love problems. However, it is possible that in the course of his life there will be a phase to fall in love.

If the smart person has started to fall in love, it means that it has entered into his plan to start looking for a soulmate. But usually, this happens when other, more important goals in life have been achieved.

Too Overthinking

Intelligent people like to have many things in their head. Not infrequently, it can become excessive and make him overthinking. When in love, the owner of a smart brain will think too much. Starting from the attitude of the partner, or other things related to the couple. So finally, they decide to evaluate and see the quality of their partner and relationship before starting a relationship.

In addition, those of you who have intelligent brains also tend to like to make scenarios in your head and the possibilities that can happen in your relationship. If it turns out from your analysis that your relationship is not worth starting, then you don't intend to continue the relationship and focus on moving on with your life again.

Believe in Logic Instead of Feelings

Intelligent people use logic more than their feelings. Before deciding to fall in love, those of you who have a smart brain will analyze it first based on the facts. You will easily put your feelings aside and judge logically whether the person is worthy of making you fall in love or not.

More Comfortable Alone

After thinking about the impossibility and other things that will happen in a relationship, it is not impossible for the intelligent brain to decide to be comfortable living alone. You don't depend your life on other people's lives, even you feel you can solve everything yourself. Intelligent people will think that falling in love will only make things more complicated if they meet the wrong person.

People who have smart brains use their logic more so it is difficult to fall in love because falling in love uses feelings more. However, there is nothing wrong for the intelligent brain to listen to his heart and start to fall in love. Of course, by still using his logic and adjusting to his life goals.

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