Not long ago, netizens were shocked by the presence of a Google game titled Earth Day Quiz. Had filled a row of Trending Topic on Twitter, this game can predict a person's personality.
By answering some questions that have been prepared by Google. Then at the end of the game, animals will be displayed, which describe the characters of the players.
At least, more than 10 animals have been inserted in this Earth Day Quiz. So what's the list? Based on the information we have collected, Thursday (17/3/2022), here are the meanings of the 12 animals in the Earth Quiz Game results.
Meaning of 12 Animals in Earth Quiz Game Results on Google
Komodo: You have good taste and the ability to swallow a goat whole.
Ratel: Your best friend can always count on you to frighten a lion or fight a cobra.
Prawns: Mysterious and beautiful, you never hesitate to attack with your powerful claws, stinging and tearing prey.
Giant Squid: You can get anything with concentration or big tentacles.
Sea otter: You like to hold hands to create a romantic atmosphere, also so you don't drift off while sleeping in the water.
Cuttlefish: With the best brain-to-body ratio of any invertebrate, and the ability to camouflage at will, you've got everything you need!
Furry mammoth: So unique, you should technically be extinct. But in the hands of great scientists, maybe one day your clone will be created!
Crane: You always cooperate well, both in breeding and in fighting extinction.
Honey bees: Despite being hard workers by nature, you still make time to pollinate flowers.
Pangolin: Very practical, you know when to roll to avoid predators.
Coral: Your hidden beauty attracts many admirers. Do you know that you are an animal?
Red-headed manakin: You love dancing, to show your love. Especially on the branches that are free from other plants.
How to Play and Earth Day Quiz Link
Then type in the search engine with the keyword "Earth Day Quiz".
After that, it is enough to answer the questions presented by Google. There are exactly five questions.