The Phenomenon of Sexual Harassment: Victims and Their Clothes Are Always Blamed, Perpetrators Are Then Released

Maybe you have often heard the news of sexual harassment against women, but it is always the women who are the victims who are cornered and blamed. Comments such as, “Because the clothes are tight, they are victims!” or "the victim is wrong because he is showing off his aurat!", and other sentences always use a tone of blaming women's clothes, as if the way he is dressed is what invites the perpetrator's lust.

Reporting from The Hindu, many people say that sexual harassment occurs because the victim is wearing immodest clothes. Even when the victim reports the abuse that has happened to her, she is always asked, “What kind of clothes are you wearing?”. This implies victim blaming, as if the victim was the wrong one.

The Daily Aztec says there is no statistical evidence to suggest a correlation between harassment and clothing. In fact, someone who wears clothes completely covered can also fall prey to men who are unable to fight lust.

This fact should break the mindset and perspective of the community regarding the phenomenon of sexual harassment. At least, to reduce emotional trauma for the victim. Because, defending yourself when harassed and experiencing trauma has become a pain in itself for the victim.

As long as women are still considered as “sexual objects”, the conservative understanding of most people will continue to be wrong. Blaming the victim will only be a trigger for the perpetrators to continue to carry out sexual violence and they always have a scapegoat to avoid getting a proper punishment.

The question is, who is really to blame and should be held responsible when women experience violence or sexual harassment?

Reported from several sources, the following are the parties who should be responsible:

Perpetrators who are unable to control themselves and choose to vent their sexual desires are the ones who should be responsible.

Perpetrators who do not understand that women are other people's children, brothers or sisters who must be treated with respect.

Perpetrators who make women feel uncomfortable, who think that women's expressions of disapproval of men could be a reason for the man to sexually assault her.

Perpetrators who think they can rape and can avoid the law or social sanctions for their immoral acts.

Perpetrators who feel superior and regard women as objects in any way, including in sexual matters.

Sexual harassment occurs because of the power and control of the perpetrator who chooses to vent his lust.

Rape occurs because of the evil intentions of the perpetrator.

Revenge Porn! This is the reason

In conclusion, none of the women asked for or wanted to be sexually harassed. The fault lies with the person who did it, not the victim.

So, to break the chain of sexual coercion on women, you can teach children (girls and boys) since childhood or the environment to respect other people and other people's bodies.

Stop blaming the victims!

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