Establishing a love relationship does require open feelings. This openness doesn't mean you don't have boundaries with your partner. What is often misunderstood is when you think of boundaries in a relationship as one of the factors that makes him stay away or fear that he will feel hurt.
As long as the boundaries you make are logical enough, then you don't need to be afraid that your relationship will be tenuous. Of course, these limits need to be communicated to avoid misunderstandings. Then what kind of healthy boundaries can you convey to your partner? There are actually many, some of which are as follows:
Time for Yourself
Establish a relationship as if you want to spend a full day with him? At the beginning of the relationship maybe yes, but as time goes by of course you want to have time for yourself. Including your partner would also want time for yourself.
The time you spend on yourself has positive benefits. Launching from Me Time Away Spending time alone and focusing on different goals or hobbies is an important part of a relationship, which helps ensure you maintain your individuality while also growing together as a couple.
So, don't hesitate to communicate to your partner when you really want time for yourself.
Avoiding Conflict
Avoiding conflict in question is postponing arguing when you are both emotional. Avoiding here is not meant to run away from trouble. However, make an agreement with your partner for a while not to discuss the problem when you are emotional or both tired.
Only when the emotions have subsided or each other has calmed down, can you talk about the problems at hand. That way, the problem will be resolved immediately without dragging on.
Put your cell phone aside when dating
You and he may both be busy. There's only time left on the weekend that the two of you might be able to spend together. Of course, at these times you want to maximize it so that you can enjoy it together, including chatting or having lunch together.
You can ask your partner not to be engrossed in the cellphone when you are alone. Give the understanding that you just want to get his attention without being distracted by the ringing of your cellphone or opening social media. That way, you will feel closer and your time will be more enjoyable.
Privacy in Relationships
Even though your relationship is more than just friends, you may even have a commitment to go to the next level, but there's nothing wrong with having privacy. Launching from the Verywell Mind page, in a healthy relationship, you need to respect the emotional and physical privacy needed for yourself and your partner.
It is necessary to be honest and open with your partner, but when you are still your boyfriend and he has privacy that cannot be violated arbitrarily. For example, you and your partner cannot open the contents of your cellphone without permission. Make sure to ask each other for permission first regarding privacy. If you get the green light, then you have the right to enter the realm of privacy.
The limitations above are just a few examples. There are many healthy boundaries you can impose on your partner. Again, communicate what boundaries you and your partner need and don't need to do. Remember, healthy boundaries will make your relationship even closer.