Some Indonesian people still believe in the myth of the ngepet pig. There are those who believe that the ngepet pig is an imitation creature, there are also those who call it just an ordinary pig.
From a zoological perspective, there is no such thing as a hog ngepet. This can be proven from the visual analysis of animals. The ngepet pig is actually just a wild boar.
The name of the ngepet pig can literally be seen as a wild boar. So it's likely a pig that was released by humans in search of fame.
Indonesia has two sub-species of wild boar, namely wild boar (Sus scrofa vittatus) and bagong (Sus verrucosus). Boars and bagong are sub-species of the world's wild boar (Sus scrofa) which spread from Europe to Asia.
Wild boar boar, their habitat spreads from Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java to Komodo Island. In West Java, especially in Ujung Kulon National Park, these wild boars are fruit eaters. Meanwhile on Komodo Island, wild boars also eat roots, tubers, grass, insects, snakes, crabs and carrion. There, wild boars become the main prey for the Komodo dragons.
While the bagong wild boar, its habitat is teak forests, grasslands and cultivated land in Java. In West Java, these animals are sometimes found starting from Rangkasbitung, Sukabumi, Garut, continuing to the south of Java to Pangandaran.
In many cases, residents are excited about catching a boar, it's actually a wild boar that has entered the settlement. Many people on the island of Java, are not aware that their area is naturally a habitat for wild boars.
Symbol of passion and greed
The myth of the ngepet pig itself has long been adopted by the Indonesian people, especially among the Sundanese and Javanese. The ngepet pig is considered part of the pesugihan that people use to enrich themselves.
The story of pesugihan in some places is always associated with extraordinary animals, because in ngelmu pesugihan always adopts the power or symbols of animals. Pigs are a symbol of negative greed.
Pigs are not always a symbol of evil. There are also the traits and behavior of pigs that describe good things.
Pigs are a symbol of human greed, whatever the pigs eat. On the other hand, the pig is also a fast runner and can't turn straight. That's why he is also symbolized as a person whose life is straight, honest, hardworking.