These 5 Habits Can Keep You From Feeling Happy, Including Overthinking!


Everyone in this world wants to be happy. Happiness can make a person look cheerful, peaceful, and able to enjoy life. But sometimes, a person can be far from happiness because of bad habits.

Well, here are some habits that are often done and can make you far from feeling happy. Let's see the review below, OK!

1. Often Overthinking

The more we come here with all the demands of the times and the changes that exist, the more people experience overthinking, including young people. The habit of overthinking or overthinking something will only make a person farther from happiness.

Get rid of excessive worrying, whether it's because you think too much about what other people have to say, keep remembering bad things from the past, or worry about the future. For the sake of your mental health, start to change these bad habits slowly from now on. Be grateful, stay away from demands to be perfect, and keep yourself busy with positive activities.

2. Unwilling to Accept Change

Not wanting to grow and accept change is also one of the habits that makes it difficult for someone to be happy.

Unwilling to Accept Change/ Photo: Santana

A person who does not want to accept change will find it difficult to develop. He felt so comfortable in his safe zone. Fear of the challenges ahead and not willing to take risks.

Though change is an unavoidable thing in life. Shutting down and not accepting change will only make a person unhappy.

If all this time you are still afraid to accept changes in your life, then you will never move forward. Therefore, start to accept the changes. Rest assured, that it is not as scary as you think and surely you can deal with it.

3. Frequently Complaining

As long as you live in this world, there will certainly be various problems that you will continue to face. As an ordinary human being, maybe you will complain about the existing problems. However, if you complain a lot, even over small problems, then you will find it difficult to be happy.

When you are faced with a problem, focus on the solution. Not coolly thinking about the existing problems, which will only make it difficult for you and easy to complain.

4. Always Envy Other People's Lives

One of the habits that make us unhappy is being envious of other people's lives. Seeing that other people's lives are always happier than your own.

The nature of envy can make a person less grateful for the blessings he already has. Therefore, focus on what you already have. The more grateful you are, the happier you will be.

5. Often Procrastinate Something


Often considered trivial, but the habit of often delaying something can also delay your happiness. Whether it's postponing work, cleaning the house, delaying taking a shower or postponing other important things even though it looks simple.

By rushing to do something and not delaying it, it means that you have freed yourself from the pressure or burden that is on you. So, you will be more relaxed and calm after doing it all.

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