These 5 Science-Based Ways Are Trusted Can Increase IQ In 30 Days, Interested in Trying?


Intelligence quality or commonly abbreviated as IQ is one of the things that is often used to 'explain' a person's intellectual abilities. Usually this can be seen from the ability to plan, reason, solve problems, understand ideas, capture power, think abstractly and many others.

Of course, these abilities are needed in everyday life. No wonder people think of trying to increase their IQ. Quoted from Inc., it turns out that there are several science-based ways to increase IQ in 30 days. Read more below.

Play chess

The first way is to play chess. There is a reason why chess has been played for centuries by royalty. Chess games that tend to be complicated and complex help develop problem solving skills, stimulate the brain and increase concentration which helps strengthen the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is the part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres.

This is also supported by a study in Venezuela, where children who took chess classes for 14 weeks significantly increased their IQ. Not only that, another study in 2003 from Flinders University in Australia also produced the same conclusion where participants who played chess showed an increase in IQ levels.

Learn a New Language

According to neuroscience, learning a foreign language makes the brain grow. This is due to the emergence of a new complex set of rules for navigation, such as a different grammar from the mother tongue. Ultimately it will force cortical thickening and an increase in hippocampal volume.

In simple terms, this means that learning a new language can cause language centers in the brain to develop, which in turn helps other language tasks such as negotiating, reading and problem solving.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is good for the brain. This is supported by the fact that exercising increases IQ abilities far more than playing online brain games. Do not stop there, a study in Sweden proved that cardiovascular fitness, can actually increase intelligence up to 50%. This increase in cardiovascular fitness was associated with better cognitive scores.


Many studies have found that meditating for 20 minutes a day not only improves mood and lowers stress levels but also increases efficiency in deep cognitive processing.

This can be the core that can help someone to be more innovative. Maybe after knowing this you can think about replacing 20 minutes of surfing time on social media by doing meditation.

Enough sleep

According to research from Loughborough University, every hour less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night, can lower 1 full point of IQ. Furthermore, the related report concluded that losing 2 hours of sleep every night on a regular basis can cause a person with an average IQ to be retarded.

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