Toge Productions, a game developer from Indonesia, announced its acquisition of Tahoe Games, an independent developer based in Kediri. This purchase cost around Rp 4 billion.
"We have a vision of helping more local developers to progress together and be successful in the global arena. This acquisition is one of our steps, Toge Productions, to achieve this goal," said Kris Antoni, CEO and co-founder of Toge Productions. , in a statement received by us, Wednesday (2/3/2022).
Kris said that he had been working with the Tahoe Games team for a long time on the Rising Hell project. Therefore, Toge Productions and Tahoe Games already have a good relationship.
"We are very excited to be working with our friends from Tahoe who are so talented," he added.
Meanwhile, the Tangerang-based developer has previously invested in minority ownership in Mojiken Studio and Gamechanger Studio. However, this is the first time they have acquired a local game developer.
"The acquisition from Toge Productions to Tahoe Games is a mutualistic relationship. We agreed to this offer, because of the common goal of raising quality talent, in areas that are underrepresented and rarely get spotlights. So we prefer to work in big cities and abroad," said Robertus R Haris, co-founder of Tahoe Games.
Through this purchase, Toge Productions hopes to increase the quantity and quality of their internal IP production. It also includes opening branch offices outside the capital city.
This game studio, wants to create jobs, for those who live in areas and small cities. The goal is to encourage the growth of the Indonesian game industry and the regional economy to become more even.
"With this acquisition, we hope that the studio in Kediri will be bigger so that it can accommodate talent in Kediri and its surroundings," said Robertus