Graduating from college is the first step for fresh graduates to find a career that suits their abilities and desires. But in reality, many fresh graduates find it difficult to get a job because they do not have previous work experience.
For you fresh graduates, you don't need to worry anymore because it turns out that there are a number of tips that can be done to help you apply for jobs. Want to know what it is? Read more through the following article!
Keep Surviving & Think Positive
The first simple step that can be done is to stay put and try to think positively. After graduating from college, of course, one hopes to get a job as soon as possible, but sometimes the reality is the opposite. When you are going through this phase, staying afloat is one of the keys that can bring you one step closer to getting a job.
In addition, trying to change the mindset from worry to hope is quite helpful, you know. This kind of positive mindset can help you stay focused on finding the right career opportunities as well as prepare the energy to apply for jobs.
Customize Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Besides being recommended to build a positive mindset, you can also take action by adjusting your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Quoted from St George's University of London, adjusting your CV according to each industry or company you are applying for, can be an additional point for your CV and make it different from others.
So you should not use one CV to apply for all jobs without adjusting it at all, yes.
Expand Network & Try LinkedIn
In addition to looking for job vacancies independently, it turns out that you can get information from other people, you know. Not by asking them one by one, but by expanding your network by having an account on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn itself is a professional social media that is usually used to share information about job vacancies, new insights about skills, and updates from people with similar interests. Well, having an extensive network on LinkedIn can help you while looking for work.
Start Building a Work Portfolio
To attract HRD's attention to call for an interview as a new employee candidate in a job vacancy, one of the important points that must be considered is the ability possessed by the applicant. So while waiting for a job call, it would be better if you start building a work portfolio.
The work portfolio itself is a set of examples of skills that you have as capital for applying for jobs. These skills include writing, graphic design, photography, and many more.
Don't Stop to Learn
Having been declared graduated from college does not mean your time to study stops right away. Instead, you are encouraged to do the opposite. Yup, keep learning. As quoted from Forbes, choosing a career means being prepared to spend most of your life involved in it.
If you are passionate about doing it and keep learning to improve yourself, you can grow and even surpass your own abilities. This is one of the questions about the ability or skill that is mastered as capital to get a job.