When you are in school, once in your life you must have experienced an intelligence quotient (IQ) test or what is known as an IQ test. Quoted from Very Well Family, theoretically, children aged 2 or 3 years can already be tested for their abilities.
Even so, it is not recommended because the child's ability is not yet mature so the results are not accurate. So, the optimal time to do an IQ test to measure a person's reasoning ability is when the child reaches 5-8 years of age.
The IQ test itself is a general test. This assessment was conducted to measure various cognitive abilities through the results of scores as a measure of individual intellectual abilities and potential. Thus, each test results are different.
Then, who first coined the IQ test to become one of the tests that is quite calculated to measure a person's intelligence? Compiled from Very Well Mind, here's the review.
The IQ test was first developed by a French psychologist named Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. At that time, the French Ministry of Education asked researchers to develop a test that could distinguish mentally retarded children from intelligent but lazy children.
The IQ test made by the two researchers has several components such as logical reasoning, finding rhyming words, and naming objects. The development of this intelligence test is still used today as the Stanford-Binet intelligence test.
After that, psychologist Charles Spearman developed the concept of general mental intelligence to carry out various cognitive activities. Furthermore, psychologist Robert Yerkes developed an IQ test for the US Army during World War I. The test was to test army recruits.
In the 1950s, David Wechsler developed an IQ test aimed at both children and adults. This test is also still popular today.
Previously, quoted from 123 Test, scientists Paul Broca and Sir Francis Galton had the idea that intelligence could be determined by measuring the size of the human skull. They argue that the bigger the skull, the smarter the person is.