Kenny Deo Alias Xepher, a global Dota 2 player. Famous for saying 'Mommy I'm at IT'. Who would have thought he was an internet cafe explorer.
Kenny revealed that he often goes to various internet cafes, with the aim of measuring his abilities, as well as proving that he is the best. Because according to his confession, since childhood he has had the soul to be the best.
However, his journey to become a Dota pro player was not smooth. During participating in many tournaments, seven times participating in competitions to be exact, all of them failed miserably aka no one was won.
The challenge gets even bigger, when his parents don't support his interest in e-sports. They think it's a waste of money.
Because according to his explanation, when he first participated in a Dota tournament, a lot of capital had to be prepared. But he emphasized that he had never asked his parents.
His adventure also reaped the rewards when Kenny became the champion. His name is getting better known and he managed to get a contract offer from the Zero Latitude (ZL) team in 2014. This was the first time he felt that there was no need to pay for it yourself when participating in a tournament. Then he was recruited by well-known esports teams in Indonesia such as RRQ, NXL, Kanaya, and ThePrime Arvire.
Until finally he decided to have a career abroad, such as strengthening TNC Tiger and Geek Fam Malaysia. Until Kenny was glimpsed by an esports organization located in South Korea, T1, and was able to appear in Dota 2 The International 10.