The fasting month of Ramadan is just around the corner. Many people have begun to enthusiastically send congratulations with the arrival of this Holy Month. By wishing you a happy Ramadan 2022, we can encourage each other to carry out this worship.
Well, through a short message, we can write congratulations on fasting Ramadan 2022. Congratulations for fasting can be for WhatsApp Story or Instagram. We summarized, Friday (1/4/2022) the following is an example of a happy fasting month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri.
1. Welcome to the Holy Month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri. May we be given ease and enthusiasm in carrying out worship. May Allah swt keep us all away from COVID-19. Let's take care of health for smooth fasting.
2. Whoever is enthusiastic about fasting, then Allah SWT has prepared the most beautiful paradise, the gate of Ar-Rayyan heaven. Sorry to be born and inner heart, happy fasting Ramadan 1443 H.
3. Marhaban Ya Ramadan, I never stop saying thank you to meet again with a month full of blessings. May Allah swt give us smoothness in fasting and we are freed from the heat of hell fire.
4. A speck of indigo becomes a stain, one drop becomes a sin. The month of love is coming, let's be diligent in worship in the month of fasting. Let's welcome Ramadan with joy.
5. There are 12 months that were created, one of the months, namely Ramadan, became the Month of Sins that were piled up like a mountain. Sorry to be born and inner heart, hopefully fasting can help us later on the Last Day.
6. If your heart is as white as a cloud, don't let it cloudy. If your heart is as beautiful as the moon, decorate it with a smile. Marhaban ya Ramadan, sorry to be born and inner heart.
7. Marhaban Ya Ramadan. I just want to apologize and remind you, get ready for dinner tonight.
8. Go to Kuta on Tuesday, return in the morning by bicycle. Soon we will be fasting, sorry to be born and inner heart, yes.
9. Wealth can be searched with knowledge. Diseases can be cured with medicine. A mountain of sins can not necessarily be erased for 11 months. But the sins that have passed can be erased in the month of Ramadan with a sincere and sincere heart.
10. May Allah bless you with a peaceful and prosperous life. Wish you a happy Ramadan. Keep me in your prayers.
11. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan. Wishing you a happy Ramzanul Mubarak.
12. There is no human being who escapes from making mistakes, sometimes the tongue incises sadness in the hearts of loved ones. I have nothing more to say, other than apologies for welcoming Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul.
13. Signs of the Fasting Month coming: the sound of the drum while shouting 'sahur sahur!'. Have you heard it yet? If not, I want to apologize first, okay? May our fasting be given smoothness.
14. The beauty of Ramadan, the holy month full of forgiveness. Welcome Ramadan, hopefully a month with you can make me a better person after that.
15. Fasting this time is different. Something is missing because of his absence. However, I still hope that Allah SWT makes me stronger and closer to him in Ramadan 1443 H. Happy fasting, all my friends.
16. Remembering the wrong word. A prejudiced heart. Forgotten promise. Painful attitudes and traits. On this day, let me say, apologize physically and mentally. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.
17. Marhaban ya Ramadhan. The holy month is back. It's time to cleanse yourself from all sins. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
18. Ramadan is like rain... it nourishes and nourishes the seeds of good deeds.
19. Ramadan doesn't come to change our schedule. It comes to change our hearts.
20. The God you worship in Ramadan is the same God you turn to in other months - Sheikh Abu Abdisalam.
21. Live your life as if every day is Ramadan, then the Hereafter will be your feast
22. Fasting is only one percent to refrain from eating and drinking, the remaining 99 percent is to bring your heart and soul closer to Allah.
23. Ramadan is like a very rare flower, which blooms only once a year, and when you start to smell its fragrance, it disappears for another year.
24. Make this Ramadan a turning point in your life. Free yourself from the deceptions of this world and enjoy the sweetness of faith.
25. There are two joys for those who fast, namely happiness when breaking their fast, and happiness when later meeting their Lord. - Sahih Bukhari Hadith
26. There is a giant buying credit
I don't feel like fasting
The cockatoo clings to the window
Don't forget to multiply the reward
There is a papaya eaten by a giraffe
I'm sorry if I'm wrong
Happy Ramadhan!
27. The dawn of Ramadan is soon approaching the world, a piece of silk removes stains, as clear as dew that cools the heart, purifies the heart, cleanses the soul in the holy month.
Happy fasting worship 1443 H. May our deeds be accepted by Allah SWT. Amen.
28. The earth is barren without rain, the mind is barren without knowledge. Barren heart without faith, barren soul without charity. Happy fasting worship 1443 H, sorry to be born and inner heart.
29. What a blessing for all of us, we can still welcome the month full of forgiveness, Marhaban ya Ramadhan. Even though you don't deserve it, only worship and gratitude can be mobilized during fasting. Happy fasting, sorry to be born and inner heart.
30. Welcoming Ramadan full of blessings, it would be nice if it started like a blank sheet of paper. Dear friends, sorry to be born and inner heart, happy fasting.
31. No one can go wherever he wants without being prepared, and no one can invite a guest without being prepared to welcome him. So it's the same as in welcoming Ramadan, the month of fasting, one must prepare.
32. Welcome the month of Ramadan with a heart filled with peace, harmony and joy. May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you.
33. Ramadan... is coming soon. Let's prepare our minds, bodies and hearts to welcome this Holy Month and take advantage of it as much as possible.
34. Don't be a servant of Ramadan, be a servant of Allah, and be persistent.
35. Ramadan is a time to cleanse oneself from sins, not to lose weight. But if you can do it all, no problem. Happy fasting, sorry to be born and inner heart.
36. Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and solely hoping for a reward from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven. - HR. Bukhari
37. If after the month of Ramadan you return to living a sinful life, then indeed you will not gain anything from your fast except hunger.
38. Ramadan is like a friend. You may meet him today, but it doesn't mean that you will see him again someday.
39. Before Ramadan try to forgive everyone who has wronged you so that you can focus on entering Ramadan with a pure heart.
40. Ramadan is a time to empty the stomach to feed the soul.
41. Wishing you a happy Ramadan. May God bless your path with knowledge and light that will help to enlighten your heart!
42. Four Weeks of mercy, 30 days of worship, 720 hours of Spirituality. 43,200 Minutes of Forgiveness, 2,592,000 Seconds of Happiness, Ramadhan Kareem Mubarak.
43. Let's celebrate as the month of Ramadhan begins here. Filling our life happiness and mirth, as Allah bless as once again with prosperity and cheer. Happy Ramadan!
44. Humility for prosperity, Sacrifice for blessings, Bended knees for rewards, Heart laid down for worship To Allah who deserves these all. Ramadan Kareem!
45. Though you cannot perform all the rituals perfectly during Ramadhan, Allah will not see that perfectness, but the dedication you hold in your heart. Keep on trying.
Meaning: Even though you cannot perform all the rituals perfectly during the month of Ramadan, Allah will not see the perfection, but the dedication that you hold in your heart. Keep trying.
46. Let the divinity of this holy month erase all the sinful thoughts off our mind and fill it with a sense of purity and gratitude towards Allah! Ramadan Mubarak to you!
47. Allah's blessings will always be on us. Celebrate and enjoy as once again, we will be given a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness for our sins and be forgiven. Ramadan Mubarak!
48. As you fast and offer prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness. Have a peaceful and happy Ramadhan.
49. May this festival push peace to transcend the earth, let light brighten up the world and grow hope to every Muslim's heart. Happy Ramadan!
50. Welcome the month of Ramadan with the heart filled with peace, harmony and joy. May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you.