Ramadan and must always stay at home is a new thing for Muslims around the world. Of course there are things that must be changed so that we can still worship properly.
Things to pay attention to while fasting from home during the pandemic. Anything?
Fasting is worship for Allah swt.
Fasting is worship that cannot be exhibited in any form. Fasting, can only be done by yourself for Allah swt.
“For other charities, it can be for humans, prayer can be for humans, it can be exhibited, it can be for show off. Because it can be followed, photographed. But you can't fast, you can't take pictures, you can't shoot. You can do Hajj, you can give alms, but you can't fast," according to Ustadz Wijayanto.
Remadan must make us better human beings
The practice of fasting may not be accepted when we go through Ramadan but Ramadan does not make us better human beings. When we can't get rid of jealousy, resentment, and other heart ailments.
Don't forget to be kind to your parents
A person is also said to have failed to fast when he still has parents but does not make it a ticket to heaven. This is important because the love of parents for children is not comparable to the love of children for parents.
A mother can take care of 10 children but sometimes 10 children can't take care of a mother. So our fasting will fail if we can't build good relationships at home, especially with our parents.
It is important to maintain cleanliness and immunity
In Islam, food must not only be halal and halal and thoyib. Thoyib means nutritious, has enough vitamins to maintain immunity. If a Muslim is sick, he must seek treatment, if he does not seek treatment, he plunges himself into destruction. So you need to exercise, don't let yourself get sick. That's the Islamic way.
Protection by diligently washing hands and wearing masks during this pandemic.
Praying at home, the reward is the same.
Muslims should not be affected by calamities and should not spread calamities. While we don't know whether we are Corona carriers or not, then leave the crowd. It's not that you can't pray, but you can't gather together. If you continue to go to the mosque it is not wise, a true Muslim worships at home, works at home. Praying at home has the same reward.
Pray Eid at home with family.
Follow the words of the scholars
Ulama certainly know more about the Quran, hadith, and Islamic scholarship than we do, so the fatwa must be followed. Some of the MUI fatwas regarding Covid-19 include:
Take care of your health and stay away from disease.
Must self-isolate when exposed to Covid-19 so as not to infect others.
Friday prayers in places with a high potential for transmission are replaced with zuhur prayers at home. In places where transmission is low, direct contact should still be avoided.
The management of bodies exposed to Covid-19 must be carried out according to medical protocols.
The act of causing panic or hoarding legal goods is unlawful.