You can try the following tips for strong children to fast, so that they are free from whining, or at least their whining only appears at critical hours.
Even though school-age children have not reached puberty and are not required to fast fully in Ramadan, surely many of you have started teaching it from now on, right? The name of the obligation, it must be trained as early as possible. Starting from fasting day first for small ones. Then slowly learn to fast all day long for older children, at least in 3rd grade. Well, of course there will be a lot of whining, the names are also children. Here are tips for strong children to fast all day, with minimal whining. At least the whining only appears at critical hours, aka above 3 pm :))
Pay attention to nutritional status and meet daily calorie needs
Indah dr Juwalita Surapsari, MGizi, SpGK said that we, as parents, must first pay attention to the nutritional status of children before teaching them to fast fully. If you are underweight, you should not be forced to fast for 1 day, but you can start with day first. Children with low body weight don't have enough energy, so later in addition to lack of nutrition, they will even fall weak, our goal is to teach the meaning of fasting is not optimal. Warn your child, if he feels dizzy, tell you so that he can be treated immediately.
If necessary, you can consult first, to a pediatrician or nutritionist, how many daily calorie needs are children. The problem is that every child has different needs, depending on the activity and type of activity. For example, a 7-year-old child needs an average daily calorie requirement of 1200-1600 calories, well, it must be met during sahur and iftar.
Sufficient complex carbohydrates and protein needs at sahur
When fasting, sahur is an important meal so that children are strong in fasting. All you have to prepare is a dish with enough complex carbohydrates and protein. For complex carbohydrates, the sources themselves are rice, whole wheat bread, and oats. While protein you can provide eggs, fish, meat, tofu, and tempeh. Why should complex carbohydrates and protein? Because both have high calories and can withstand hunger for a long time, but still healthy.
Vegetables and fruit at suhoor and iftar
In addition to complex carbohydrates and protein, you should also continue to provide fruit and vegetables at dawn (including breaking the fast). In addition to containing filling fiber, vegetables and fruit have vitamins and minerals that are very important in increasing the body's resistance. Makes children healthier, and does not get sick easily during fasting.
Don't get dehydrated, fulfill your child's fluid needs
It's true, it's difficult to ask children to consume fluids at iftar and suhoor. Just not fasting, being told to drink is difficult... But because I'm fasting, I don't want my child to have to drink. Ask the child to drink 1 glass of water when breaking the fast, after eating the main menu, and 1 more glass before going to bed. After waking up for sahur, give 1 more glass, then the next 1 glass after you finish eating sahur. Still hard too? Outsmart by serving a menu of soupy foods, such as chicken soup.
Limit nutrient-poor snacks
Foods that are high in sodium, aka salty ones, such as chips, can increase thirst. Should be limited, yes. Also avoid soft drinks, fast food, fried foods which even though they are filling are not enough to meet the nutritional needs of children during fasting practice.
Make sure your child gets enough rest
Let alone adults, even for children when fasting is definitely not getting enough sleep, because they have to wake up at dawn. Sometimes for some children, after that they can't even sleep anymore. So, you have to make sure the child goes to bed early so that the next day it is not difficult to wake him up for sahur. Especially if the school is not yet closed. Even if you go to school at home, you still have to be absent in the morning, right? To be sure, children should still sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also ask your child to take a nap to get enough rest. Even though he's still playing around.