You may already be familiar with sentences like the following, "Being a housewife is easy!", "A housewife is good, it's okay!", "How come it's a man who does it? That's the work of women or housewives!”.
The sentence above is an example of people's assumptions that sound like they underestimate housewives that you may often hear in everyday life. Isn't it uncomfortable and annoying, really, on that kind of understanding?
In fact, being a housewife is an endless job. Almost 24 hours a week, housewives do various domestic tasks, such as: sweeping, mopping, washing, cooking, and cleaning the house. Seeing how housewives routinely do all of this with dedication, we should not belittle her by uttering the sentences above.
What are the reasons why we should stop judging housewives and labeling them with the words 'it's okay'? Summarized from various sources, let's see why!
Stop Labeling Housewives with the Word 'It's OK'
Often, the status of “housewife” is not considered a job, but a woman's responsibility. In addition, domestic tasks are considered easy because they do not have to leave the house, there is no pressure, and there are no deadlines to complete their tasks.
In fact, if examined, housewives carry out their duties every day without being paid or paid. Taking care of the household is a lifelong job where you can't resign like career women do.
Furthermore, housewives do not have the right to leave and slack for illness due to exhaustion from carrying out all household tasks non-stop. Although busy with all the housework, but the housewife is the one who understands the food tastes of all family members; husband and children.
When looking for lost items, housewives know very well where the items are stored because she is the one who cleans up and returns things to their proper places. Multitalented, housewives also play a role as regulator of family finances but are only considered "that's how it should be".
On the other hand, career women are often considered cooler and more modern. In fact, housewives are also capable of multitasking (doing cooking, washing, and cleaning the house at the same time).
The housewife dedicates all her time and attention to the child so that the child does not lose attention. Without the role of housewives at home (eg being sick or away), other family members tend to be confused and helpless because all work is handled by housewives 100%.
Then, what is the easiest way to appreciate a mother or wife who has wholeheartedly done this unpaid job? Appreciate his efforts by thanking him for the things he does for the sake of his family, complimenting his cooking, asking his wife out on a date, and giving some me time from her activities to shop or take care of herself (to the spa, salon or mall).
And most importantly, stop labeling housewife work as 'it's okay'!