Having a target is a natural thing in achieving dreams. However, do not let the target you set is accompanied by an age limit. In addition to causing anxiety, you can actually lose motivation if the age target is exceeded but has not yet gotten the desired results.
As proof, there are, you know, some great women in the world who only succeeded after turning 40. They managed to prove that age is not a barrier to continue pursuing dreams.
Curious who they are? Listen, come on!
Vera Wang
For fashion observers, the name of designer Vera Wang is familiar to the ears. At first, Vera had a dream as an ice skating player. Unfortunately, he failed at the US Figure Skating Championships in 1968. It was this failure that pushed him into the fashion world.
After graduation, Vera worked as an editor at Vogue for 17 years. In 1987, Vera had joined with Ralph Lauren for 2 years. At the age of 40, Vera left Ralph Lauren and fulfilled her calling to create her own wedding dress brand in her name. Vera Wang's designs are also in great demand and used by many famous artists.
Viola Davis
Viola Davis is an American actress who received the Hollywood Walk of Fame at the age of 51. This award illustrates how much success he has in the world of acting.
Viola is a Juilliard School graduate who made her Broadway debut at the age of 31. Since then, Viola has had a constant career in acting and even won several awards such as a Tony Award for her involvement in the drama "King Hedley II".
However, the roles he got after that were only minor roles in television dramas such as “City of Angels” and “Law&Order”. Viola Davis' popularity only increased dramatically when she was involved in the film "Doubt". For her role as opposite Meryl Streep, Viola Davis was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
J.K. Rowling
Who doesn't know J.K. Rowling? The novelist who created the phenomenal Harry Potter character turned out to have been mired in poverty and suffered from depression, you know.
In his 30s, J.K. Rowling is at the lowest point of her life with a below-average standard of living and the burden of taking care of her two children after her divorce. As a mental healing step, J.K Rowling wrote her imagination in the Harry Potter series. Apparently, this phenomenal work was rejected by twelve publishers. Finally, a year later the script was accepted by one of the publishers and slowly catapulted his name in the world of writing to film.
Nancy Pelosi
Most people decide to retire in old age, but American politician Nancy Pelosi actually got her heyday at a young age.
This tough woman later became the first woman to successfully occupy the position of Chair of the United States House of Representatives (DPR) at the age of 66 years. Nancy Pelosi is very proud of her achievements because according to her the moment a woman sits in the leadership of the DPR has been eagerly awaited for 200 years.
20 years earlier, Nancy was one of the women who served in the US House and Senate. Then right at the age of 47 years, Nancy just ran for congress.
Arianna Huffington
Since she was young, Arianna Huffington has pursued journalism and has a passion for writing books. Like the stories of successful characters in general, Arianna has failed many times. One of his most memorable failures was when his second work, “After Reason” was rejected by 36 publishers.
In addition, Arianna apparently tried to enter the world of politics, but failed and returned to her passion in the media sector by establishing the Huffington Post. Who would have thought, Arianna actually managed to make the Huffington Post one of the biggest media in the United States at the age of 54 years.
From the stories of these five tough women, it can be concluded that success is not limited by age. Ups and downs are normal, in fact the obstacles are there to test your consistency in pursuing your goals. It is proven that it is never too late to try and keep trying. Hopefully the stories of these five great women can inspire you!