Benefits of Eating Suhoor

 So, what is called fasting, you must have sahur. Although I know there are some people who don't eat sahur, generally because they are lazy to get up in the morning or are not used to eating at that time. For me, after giving birth, my mind goes straight to food, yes, eating sahur is important! What are the benefits of sahur?

Health aspect

Based on research, waking up in the morning is beneficial for our health.

When we sleep, it turns out that many events occur in our bodies. During sleep, the hormone system will move to the anabolic stage, which is the conversion of energy for repair and growth.

At this stage, adrenaline and corticosteroid levels drop and the body begins to produce growth hormone (human growth hormone or HGH), melatonin, as well as the sex hormone testosterone, fertility hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

What does that have to do with eating breakfast?

HGH promotes growth, maintains and repairs muscles and bones by facilitating the use of amino acids. While melatonin is a hormone produced to help humans sleep.

This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland deep in the brain. It helps the body control sleep-wake rhythms and cycles. But the fact is that the production of these good hormones decreases at night and will be at its lowest point during the last third of the night. In contrast, the stress hormone cortisol actually increases production and what can stop it is when we wake up.

"So when we wake up and eat sahur in the last third of the night, it will automatically stop the production of cortisol and at the same time maintain the function of good hormones while we sleep, especially in the second third of the night, it can be optimally beneficial," said Pramono.

We need to know the bad effects of excessive cortisol hormone, among others: loss of muscle mass; breakdown of muscles, tendons, ligaments, because they are used to form glucose.

So waking up in the last third of the night (or dawn) brings tremendous benefits, such as increasing the immune system, preventing metabolic syndrome diseases such as diabetes, and even helping diet success, especially those with a distended stomach.

Wow, that's amazing, the benefits of eating sahur for health. There is another aspect that I think is advantageous. What's that?

In terms of togetherness

Today's families, it could be that having dinner together at the dining table in complete formation is a rare thing. Traffic jams, work piled up, not to mention children who are busier than their parents so they sleep faster. This causes the meeting of children and parents to decrease.

The moment of dawn that saved us. Can eat together, then have a long chat while waiting for dawn, deh! Sometimes it's even fun to chat, then can't sleep, and those who are really sleepy during the day, haha!

So, with the advantages above, are there still people who are lazy to wake up in the morning?

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