Besides Making Weight Loss, Fasting Can Also Increase Intelligence, Here's The Explanation!


Fasting is the ability to resist hunger and thirst and other temptations that invalidate it. Fasting is also an obligation for all Muslims who have reached puberty.

You also know that resisting all temptations during fasting is not easy, but if you can do it smoothly, you will indirectly feel the benefits for brain health and intelligence.

How does science look at the benefits of fasting for the brain as it relates to intelligence? Compiled from Amenclinics, here's the review.

Fasting Improves Memory

Reducing meal times has been shown to improve memory. This is in line with research in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which states that fasting for a few weeks will significantly improve your memory.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation can be associated with brain disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). According to a study in Nutrition Research, fasting is claimed to reduce inflammation because it is good for improving brain health as well as your mental well-being and your lifestyle.

Fighting High Blood Sugar

Other studies have shown that anxiety and depression are 2-3 times higher in patients with type 2 diabetes than the general population. Reporting from the British Journal of Nutrition, shows that fasting can promote greater insulin sensitivity, which helps you to avoid high blood sugar which is associated with improving positive emotions, and memory.

Lowering Blood Pressure at Night

Fasting can help you reduce high blood pressure during sleep. This is beneficial for your heart and brain health. Meanwhile, those of you who have hypertension or pre-hypertension can be helped from schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, traumatic brain injury, and more. In addition, if your blood flow is normal you can avoid Alzheimer's disease.

Improve Mood

Based on research from the Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, they mention that after fasting for a month, it can indirectly improve mood and reduce tension, anger, and confusion.

Follows another study from 2018 that investigated weight loss strategies through fasting was associated with significant improvements in emotional well-being and depression.

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