Do you like to drink fruit ice when you break your fast? Be careful, these 3 dangers await you!

 Iftar is certainly a long awaited time during the month of Ramadan. Unfortunately, the moment of breaking the fast is sometimes used as an arena for "revenge" after fasting all day.

When fasting, we do not eat and drink for approximately 12 hours so that the body will be dehydrated and feel thirsty. Then when breaking the fast, many of us choose to eat cold dishes.

Fruit ice is one of the favorite takjil for breaking the fast. But you, you need to know that this iftar menu can actually cause health problems.

Iftar with Ice Fruit Every Day? Beware These 3 Dangers Are Behind You!

Eating a combination of fresh fruit with cold syrup will certainly be very refreshing. But did you know that eating too much fruit ice when breaking the fast will actually trigger weight gain and cause various health problems.

Launching from detikFood, nutritionist Nazhif Gifari does not recommend drinking cold water or a bowl of ice when breaking the fast. He said warm water would be better than cold water.

"It's better to have warm water because if you give cold water right away, the body will be shocked by the difference in temperature and risk indigestion," said nutritionist Nazhif Gifari.

You, it turns out that breaking the fast with an iced dish is not the right choice. For those of you who like to eat fruit ice, limit it immediately because this series of health hazards could be stalking you. Come on!

1. Bloating Stomach and Digestive Disorders

As Nazhif said, breaking the fast with cold water will risk causing indigestion. Consuming fruit ice at iftar will trigger flatulence, due to the combination of ice and fruit that you consume on an empty stomach.

In addition, consuming ice or cold water when breaking the fast will also hinder digestion. So that it will trigger other digestive disorders such as constipation.

2. Constriction of Blood Vessels

Another danger of drinking ice when breaking the fast is that it triggers constriction of blood vessels. Fruit ice is indeed refreshing, but if it is consumed immediately after fasting all day, it will risk making the blood vessels shrink so that it inhibits blood circulation.

Internal medicine specialist, Tengku Bahdar Johan, SpPD also believes that consuming cold water when breaking the fast is not good for health. Warm water better helps hydrate the body, improve blood circulation, and digestion.

3. Diabetes

Eating fruit when breaking the fast is indeed good, but if it is mixed with sweeteners and ice, it will harm health. Not without reason, sweet syrup or milk when combined with sweet fruit will trigger an increase in blood sugar to the risk of diabetes.

Nazhif as a nutritionist also expressed the dangers of consuming too sweet food when breaking the fast.

"Because if it is mixed with syrup and sweetened condensed milk, then the sugar composition is high enough to risk blood sugar rising drastically," he said.

Those are some of the dangers that can occur if we consume too much fruit ice to break the fast. Always take care of your health in this month of Ramadan 2022!

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