Don't be misguided, this is the law and the meaning of sleeping during the fasting month!


During fasting, most people tend to need a lot of rest with sleep. Many people think that sleeping while fasting is a reward, do you think this concept is true or not?

This situation is caused by holding back hunger and lack of sleep due to waking up in the morning. But don't get me wrong, because sleeping can also make your fast less noble.

Fasting becomes less noble if you sleep all day during fasting, or sleep more and laze around. Let's look at the explanations of the following religious leaders.

1. According to Syafiq Hasyim

The law regarding sleeping while fasting does not exist, but the reward is not good or less noble.

He also said that fasting should not hinder one's activities. Especially for doing rewarding activities such as tadarus or helping parents. Sleep will be worth worship if it is a way to avoid sinful acts such as gossiping.

2. According to Islamic jurists, including Al-Kharashi Al-Maaliki

Sleep is synonymous with lazing. While during the month of Ramadan we are encouraged to multiply worship, such as tadarus, alms and other practices.

Quoted from, several Islamic jurists, one of them Al-Kharashi Al-Maaliki, is of the opinion that sleeping too long while fasting is not good because those who do this will miss out on doing a lot of worship.

3. Advice of Sheikh 'Abd al-'Aziz bin Baaz radiyallahu 'anhu

Sheikh 'Abd al-'Aziz bin Baaz radhiyallahu 'anhu, who was quoted from Islamqa, gave advice to people who are fasting not to waste time.

He said if there is nothing wrong with sleeping during the day or at night, as long as it does not result in the loss of obligations or unlawful acts. She

In addition, he also reminded us not to stay up late and speed up the time to sleep. This is to wake up at dawn, because sahur is a confirmed sunnah, as advised by Sheikh 'Abd al-'Aziz bin Baaz radhiyallahu 'anhu.

"Eat the suhoor, because in the suhoor there is a blessing (blessings)." (Sahih – agreed).

Now you understand from the explanation of religious leaders about the law of sleeping while fasting. Don't sleep too much, so you can still get the reward from other activities. Fasting spirit!

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