Fact Check, Is It True that Chewing Gum Can Make Your Brain Smart?

 For most people, chewing gum is just a light hobby that doesn't have a significant impact. However, research reveals that chewing gum actually brings a number of benefits, one of which makes the brain smarter. Is that right?

Reporting from the Select Health page, in fact the habit of chewing gum does provide a number of benefits, for example, making the brain more relaxed and keeping teeth healthy. But what does chewing gum have to do with brain development? Is it true that chewing gum makes the brain smarter? Check the explanation below!

Claimed to be able to strengthen memory

Reporting from New Scientist, British psychologists have revealed that they have found a significant relationship between chewing gum and long and short-term memory. Based on his research, Andrew Scholey from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle, England revealed that this habit can strengthen long-term memory and working memory.

Although this is still speculative, Scholey found some strong evidence about this. He had tested 75 adults, then asked a third of the respondents to imitate the movement of chewing gum during a series of memory tests. As a result, respondents who demonstrated chewing movements showed higher test scores.

Chewing Gum vs Brain Activity

The relationship between chewing gum and improving memory is still being studied further. However, Scholey explained that research by Japanese scientists in 2000 showed that brain activity in the hippocampus area (the part related to memory) did appear to increase when someone was chewing.

Other studies have also revealed that insulin in the hippocampus may indeed have a role in memory capacity. In addition, chewing activity can also increase heart rate so that blood flow that carries oxygen to the brain increases. This is thought to be the reason why the memory test results increase when someone is chewing.

But There Are Side Effects!

However, there are other side effects found from the study. Reporting from Selec Health, chewing gum excessively will actually have an impact on weakening short-term memory. Again, this is still in the process of further research. However, the decrease in memory may be due to fatigue in the jaw and brain area, thus triggering decreased concentration.

That's a little review about the relationship between chewing gum and brain intelligence. Although it is still in the research process, this is definitely good news for all of us. Who would have thought this small habit turned out to have a significant positive influence?

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