Fasting Is Not a Barrier, These 5 Safe and Slim Diet Ways Must Be Cheated!


The obligation to fast for Muslims is not a barrier to doing a diet program. In fact, a certified dietitian, Salaamah Solomon, said that this fasting month is the best time to follow a healthy diet.

"Ramadan is a great opportunity to break the chain of bad eating habits, but unfortunately the majority of people do not reap the full benefits of this month," explains Solomon, a dietitian from South Africa.

However, the problem that often occurs is when fasting is not losing weight, but many of them experience spikes because they don't control food when breaking the fast.

Now to overcome this, for those of you who want to have a healthy diet and make a slim body while fasting, check out the safe diet below!

1. Types of Food Must Be Balanced

The first way for a successful diet is that you have to pay attention to the type of food that will be eaten at dawn or iftar.

Even though you have been hungry all day, it doesn't mean that when you break your fast you can be free to eat any food with excess portions, right! You need to think about the type and amount of food consumed.

It's best to choose simple foods out of your normal diet at normal times. Because actually, fasting or not fasting is only different at mealtimes!

2. Consuming Main Types of Food

It is undeniable, when the fasting month arrives there are lots of snacks to heavy meals that are very appetizing. Generally, fried foods are one of the most hunted foods when breaking the fast.

Now, instead of eating fried foods that are high in calories, don't make you full, and affect your health, it's better to eat the main food that is good for breaking fast and sahur.

The main foods that are good and healthy for consumption are as follows:

Fruits and vegetables

Bread, cereal, potatoes

Meat, fish and chicken

Dairy products such as milk and cheese

Besides being healthy, the list of main foods above can make your diet even more successful!

3. Choosing the Right Sahur Food

So that fasting goes smoothly, diet program is safe, and hopes to slim down or lose weight are achieved, don't forget to choose sahur food correctly, okay?

Food for sahur should include healthy foods that can make the body energized throughout the day. This type of food is one that contains complex carbohydrates and is high in fiber.

You can eat wheat, beans, and rice as carbohydrates. Then, for fiber can be various types of vegetables or fruits.

4. Iftar food

How about food to break the fast? Tips for a safe diet while fasting can consume dates which are highly recommended for breaking the fast.

Iftar with dates and water will help restore sugar and salt levels in the body. The benefits of dates when running a healthy diet during the month of fasting, include:

1. Easy to digest.

2. Reducing hunger so you don't overeat.

3. Preparation of the stomach to receive food after fasting all day.

4. Rich in sugar and energy to restore nutrients in the body.

5. Prevent constipation due to changes in meal times.

After consuming dates and water, you can enter the main food groups. But don't overdo it.

5. Avoid these foods so that the diet is safe while fasting

When carrying out safe diet tips while fasting, there are some dietary restrictions that should be avoided during Ramadan, especially when it is time to break the fast. What foods should be avoided?

- Fried foods, such as fried chicken, spring rolls, or french fries.

- Foods high in fat and sugar, such as sweets and the like.

- High-fat cooked foods, such as greasy pastries or other high-oil foods.

The above foods can actually still be consumed but you need to follow healthier guidelines. For example, if you want to eat chicken, you should not fry it. Try the alternative of choosing grilled or grilled chicken.

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