Financial Resolution 2022, Here's How To Avoid It

 I can't believe it, 2021 will end in a matter of hours and people are getting ready to welcome the new year 2022. As the new year approaches, many people make resolutions for next year. Well, it's also important to make financial resolutions.

The reason is that financial arrangements become better, financial conditions are healthier, the money generated is not wasted and learn from the shortcomings and mistakes of the previous year.

So, what are the recommendations for financial resolutions for 2022? Check out the following:

1. Meet the Emergency Fund

According to a financial planner from Tatadana Consulting, Tejasari considering that the pandemic is still ongoing and does not know when it will be over, emergency funds are the most important top priority in financial management resolutions.

In setting up an emergency fund can be divided into several parts. First, the emergency money is added to savings, then the rest can be put into investment products, gold savings, deposits or the money market.

For those who haven't and have or have little emergency funds left, it's best to pursue it, because we're still in a pandemic situation, we don't know when this will end.

2. Settle the Debt

He stressed to settle consumer debt. Especially debt in the form of online loans to PayLater. According to him, the 2022 resolution should be free from debt.

It's no longer the time for online loans or PayLater. It will be resolved soon, so that we can move forward without dwelling on debt alone. The target is to have it completed next year.

3. Start Investing

For those who have not dared to invest, it is highly recommended to learn and try investing. Considering that there are currently many easy and safe investment spaces.

People everywhere are excited about investing. So start any investment that is practical, safe such as gold, mutual funds, time savings, the important thing is that we do something to achieve our financial goals.

4. Have Insurance

Next year, to protect yourself and your family, it is advisable to immediately have life and health insurance. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially important for workers who do not get insurance from the office to business people.

5. Financial Goals

Next year start to set the target financial direction that we have. For example, to prepare a pension fund. So, to prepare it, it is recommended to invest. So it's clear what the investment is for.

Second, for example financial goals for vacations. First, you can rely on bonuses for workers that you get every year. However, if the bonus is not enough then you have to save up to meet the goal.

6. Find Additional Income

The resolution that is no less important is to increase revenue. The trick, can look for a side job, for example doing business.

Then, can create passive income. What does it mean? Passive income is income that runs, but we don't do it actively but we can still earn income.

Examples include opening a business venture, either direct selling or through networking, participating in financing other people's businesses with a profit-sharing system, or a more modern one by participating in crowdfunding fintech crowdfunding.

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