Food Color Also Has an Effect, Here Are 6 Effective Ways To Overcome Overeating When Stressed

 Work and problems in everyday life can easily make you feel stressed. Many people when they feel stressed will turn to food to deal with it so that they feel much better. At that time, food becomes the 'enemy' because it has made you consume excess calories.

This in the end will only make you feel guilty. But calm down, Launching from Brightside, here are 6 effective ways to fight overeating when stress hits. Come on, see!

Chewing Gum

When you start to feel restless, anxious, or stressed, you can chew sugar-free gum to make you feel calmer and more focused. According to research, chewing sugar-free gum can reduce the body's daily calorie count and increase the amount of energy that has been burned each day.

Drinking tea

Instead of opening the fridge when stress hits, you better make your favorite tea. Tea not only makes you feel calm, but also can hydrate the body and eliminate toxins. You can try making red tea because this tea is rich in antioxidants and helps control appetite.

Avoid Caffeinated Drinks

Are you one of those people who when they feel stressed they immediately drink coffee? Hmm, from now on avoided, huh! Coffee and other caffeinated drinks are the enemy of anything calm and relaxing. Caffeine will increase the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

This will give a response to the brain to eat more when stress increases. That's why, instead of having coffee for breakfast or soda for lunch, it's better to replace it with tea or lemonade.

Avoid Red and Yellow Colors in Food

Did you know that color also has a big influence on appetite? When you see red or yellow food, your brain triggers a series of mechanisms that make you feel hungry! So, avoid these two colors in food when you're stressed, OK!

Consumption of Foods That Produce Happy Hormones

Serotonin is known as the happiness hormone in the body because it is responsible for regulating mood. When serotonin levels are low, you are more likely to feel stressed and emotionally unstable, which can make it difficult to control your appetite.

You can consume foods rich in tryptophan, such as spinach, pineapple, prunes, and avocado. Tryptophan is a substance that helps increase serotonin levels in the body.

Eat Bread with Olive Oil for Breakfast

A study shows that some foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts, can tell the brain when to stop eating.

When you are stressed, it would be better to replace the breakfast menu with bread and olive oil. This can help you avoid overeating when stress hits during the day.

Those are six easy and effective ways to fight overeating that you can do when stress comes. What do you think are you going to try?

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