Getting Ready to Find a New Job, Here's a Polite Way to Resign So You Don't Get Blacklisted!


There are various reasons why someone decides to resign or resign from the company where he works. The reasons can be in the form of a supervisor who is not supportive, the number of jobs that are overstepped, to an unclear career path.

However, the decision to resign is often questioned by workers, for fear of being considered to bring a bad impression. So, how do you leave the company without making a bad impression?

Here we have summarized how to resign politely. Come on!

1. Clean All Data on Computer

Launching CNN , the first polite way to resign is to clean the contents of the computer, starting from deleting personal files and all stored accounts.

However, make sure you save the contacts of colleagues who need to be contacted after resigning. Because who knows you may still need to build a relationship with them one day.

2. Solving Problems Before Resigning

If you want to resign, you should first solve all problems within the company, related to task transfer or other work-related problems.

If you don't solve the problem, then this will be a burden for your other co-workers, so it can create a bad impression because you are considered irresponsible.

3. Providing Solutions for Resigning

When you express your desire to resign, you should also provide a solution. This solution can be in the form of looking for several potential candidates who can replace your position in the company.

Do you know friends or family who are looking for work? Maybe you can introduce them to this job.

4. Telling the Reason for Resigning Honestly

The next polite way to resign is to convey the reasons for resigning from the company to your superiors honestly. This is because your honesty can be a positive input for the development of the company in the future.

You also simply submit your plan to resign to your boss or co-workers in the same division.

5. Write a Resignation Letter

A resignation letter is the first step in submitting a resignation. You should write according to the format given in the company if there is one. Make sure the letter is written in formal language, and detail the reasons why you decided to resign.

You, there are some polite ways to resign, which you can try to do. I hope you get a new job soon!

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