In addition to maintaining heart health, here are 5 hidden benefits of napping

 Napping is not only good for babies or small children, you know. For adults, napping also has quite important benefits for the body. The ideal nap duration itself is around 10 - 20 minutes, if it's too long it will interfere with sleep duration at night. This is what the Sleep Foundation website says.

However, some of us may not have time to take a nap or are afraid to fall asleep for a long time so that it has the potential to interfere with activities. One way to overcome this, you can use an alarm and make sure the body is in a relaxed state.

The following are the benefits of napping from several sources:

1. Improve Memory

Several studies have shown that naps have an important role in storing memories. Just like a night's sleep, a nap helps you remember things you've learned the same day. That's what was reported by the WebMD page.

Napping can prevent us from forgetting important things like motor skills, sensory perception, and verbal memory.

2. Maintain Heart Health

Napping with a maximum duration of 30 minutes can improve heart health. A study found that people who sleep less during the day have a higher risk of developing hypertension or other heart problems, as reported by the Sleep Junkies page.

In addition, napping also reduces fatigue and makes the body recover faster. With short naps and regular exercise, this combination of activities is good for maintaining a healthy heart.

3. Make the Mood Better

When we feel tired from work, we usually change our mood quickly, such as being more irritable and having trouble concentrating. The good news, napping can make a better mood and more energetic.

It also affects mental health and can increase brain creativity, making it easier to make decisions, as reported by the Huff Post page.

4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Reporting from the One Good Thing page, a low-quality night's sleep makes the body produce a stress hormone called noradrenaline which affects feelings of fatigue, anxiety, and even stress.

Well, naps can balance these hormones, restore a bad mood, and reduce the level of stress or anxiety you feel.

5. Refrain from Excessive Coffee Consumption

Instead of consuming coffee to overcome sleepiness in the afternoon or evening, naps can reduce a person's dependence on coffee. Napping can also restore a sense of freshness or energy that was previously reduced during activities.

In addition to reducing coffee dependence, spending is also more efficient, you know. I hope this helps!

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