Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Google suspended the use of the Google Play Store in Russia. However, Russia is not at its wits end. They created their own app store for Android users as a replacement for the Google Play Store.
Named NashStore, the idea was conceived by a Russian organization focused on digital development, Digital Platforms. The creation of the NashStore began with Google's suspension of the Google Play Store in Russia in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"Unfortunately, Russians are usually no longer able to use Google Play to buy apps and developers have lost their source of income," Vladimir Zykov said in a statement.
"This is why we created the Russian app store, NashStore," he added.
Meaning of NashStore
Maybe you are wondering why the name NashStore was chosen by Digital Platforms. In the local language, NashStore means "our shop". In other words, Android users in Russia can shop for apps there.
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Furthermore, similar to the Google Play Store, Zykov claims that Nashtore provides both free and paid apps. The applications in it are confirmed to have been integrated with Russian banks.