It turns out that crying over your ex can help you lose weight, how come? Here's the explanation!

 In many cases, a breakup can make a person feel sad. Not even a few still remember and cry for their ex after separating. Are you one of them?

But there are interesting facts about crying over your ex. A study reveals that crying over your ex can help you lose weight, you know! This may sound a little strange, because usually people who are after a breakup tend to dissolve in sadness and take it out on overeating.

So, how can crying over your ex help you lose weight? Come on, see the following explanation!

Crying Your Ex Makes Weight Loss, Really?

According to scientists, the average person cries about 16.5 gallons of tears during his lifetime, as quoted from Bright Side. However, there are still many people who prefer to suppress their emotions rather than express them, including crying.

But actually, crying can be one way to prevent weight gain, you know. Experts have also proven the truth.

When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol in response. The hormone cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is often associated with obesity.

The hormone cortisol can help you fight stress that arises. But there are still many people who do not fight even physically and prefer to sit down and get frustrated. As a result, the body perceives that you've used up some calories to deal with the stressor and that it needs to replenish it, even though you're not.

One of the reasons people cry is when they are upset because that is how our bodies process and release stress. Illustration of crying/Photo: Freepik

Meanwhile, scientists have also found that emotional tears contain a hormone that increases cortisol levels. They are prolactin, leu-enkephalin, and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). All of this is produced when you are under a lot of pressure.

"As a result, our bodies get a signal that we don't need to hold on to fat because the stressful situation is over," says the Bright Side website.

But it must be noted, only real tears that come from feelings that can provide weight loss benefits, yes! Because only tears caused by real emotions contain the necessary hormones.

Best Time to Cry

The scientists also added that the best time to cry is around 7-10 pm. This is a time when people tend to be with their loved ones or watch a movie that could make them cry.

A study from the University of Minnesota, quoted from Mirror UK, describes other benefits of crying. Such as healing, boosting immunity, reducing anger and stress levels.

So, if you've just broken up and feel proud or embarrassed to cry, try to let go of everything you're feeling. Crying is an effective method for calming the mind and starting a new beginning.

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