Like the case of Ade Armando, Ukraine also uses Face Recognition


Face Recognition technology was used to find Ade Armando's attacker. Abroad, this technology is also used as in Ukraine for the identification of war victims.

The war victims who fell in Ukraine as a result of the invasion of Ukraine, including many civilians, some are difficult to identify. For that, facial scanner technology or advanced facial recognition is also utilized.

As quoted by us from the BBC, Friday (15/4/2022) the face scanner company Clearview AI, although sophisticated and controversial, announced that their technology was given to Ukraine and has been used to identify bodies.

In one case, a dead man was found half naked in Kharkiv, amidst the rubble of war. He has a tattoo on his shoulder. The Ukrainian government did not recognize who he was so they used ClearView technology.

The man's face was snapped and the information searched in the Clearview database. Shown then several people who are identical to the face until finally he can be recognized. Quick and easy.

ClearView is perhaps the world's most recognizable and controversial facial scanner company. They collect billions of photos from social media like Facebook and Twitter, into their database.

Founder and CEO Hoan Tot-That calls his company a kind of search engine for faces. "The way it works is like Google. But the results are not in the form of words or text, but photos of faces," he said.

They were also sued by Facebook, YouTube, Google to Twitter, to stop taking photos on their sites. But in addition to the controversy that whacked, there are quite a lot of fans of ClearView technology. Hoan claims that 3,200 government agencies have purchased or tested his products.

Well, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Hoan wanted to help the Ukrainian side to identify its citizens. "We saw photos of people imprisoned or escaped, it made us think that this technology could potentially be useful for identification as well as verification," Hoan said.

Hoan immediately offered ClearView technology to Ukraine and they welcomed it. Actually, there are already similar facial scanner products on the market. But nowadays, ClearView is one of the best known.

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