No Diet and Exercise Needed, Here Are 5 Powerful Ways to Lose Weight Easily and Safely!


When you want to lose weight, diet and exercise are popular choices. But for some people, going on a diet and exercising regularly is a challenge in itself, especially when you are not used to it. Are you one of them?

No need to worry, because there are several ways to lose weight without the need for diet and exercise! This method is fairly safe and based on science, so you don't need to be afraid of dangerous side effects.

Compiled from Healthline, here are 5 safe and easy ways to lose weight without diet and exercise. Come on, find out!

Chew Food Slowly

The first way you can do to lose weight without diet and exercise is to chew food slowly. Because, this can prevent you from overeating and make you feel full longer even with small meals.

How quickly you finish food can also affect your weight, you know! A study reports that people who eat fast are more likely to gain weight than those who eat their food slowly.

To get into the habit of eating more slowly, try to count the number of times you chew each bite of food.

Use Small Plates for Unhealthy Food

When you are just starting to lose weight, it may be difficult to avoid delicious but unhealthy foods. To work around this, you can use a smaller plate size to accommodate unhealthy foods so as to encourage you to eat them in small portions.

This method can trick your brain into thinking that you are eating more than you really are. Instead, use a larger plate when eating healthy and nutritious meals.

Focus on Food and Avoid Distraction

Paying attention and focusing on what you're eating can help you eat less! Maybe you often eat while watching TV or playing smartphones. However, this will make you forget how much food you have eaten. Eventually, you end up overeating.

One review of 24 studies found that distracted people eat about 10 percent more. Therefore, try to stay away from electronic objects, such as TVs and smartphones while eating, OK!

Serve Unhealthy Food on a Red Plate

If previously you were advised to serve unhealthy food on small plates, there is one other unusual strategy that you can try to lose weight. Try using a red plate to serve unhealthy food.

Not without reason, research shows that this technique can affect a person's portion of food consumption. One study reported that volunteers ate fewer pretzels when served on a red plate than from a white or blue plate. This is because humans associate the color red with a stop signal or warning.

Keep Unhealthy Foods Out of Sight

One of the things that makes it easy to gain weight is your habit of snacking when bored. This could be because there are a lot of snacks around you, so it's not surprising if you end up being tempted.

Storing unhealthy foods where you can see them can increase your hunger, make you overeat, and ultimately gain weight. One study found that if high-calorie foods were easy to reach and see at home, residents tended to weigh more than people who only kept a bowl of fruit.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight, such as high cupboards, so they're less likely to grab your attention when you're hungry. On the other hand, keep healthy foods visible on the counter and place them in the front and center of the fridge.

Those are some ways to lose weight without diet and exercise. Even so, it is highly recommended to keep exercising and maintain a healthy diet so that you stay healthy!

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