Not Just Body Shaming, These 3 Other Forms Of Blame Can Make Someone Insecure!


Body shaming or physical reproach, is an act of bullying by commenting on someone's appearance negatively. Sayings like "how come you're so skinny, don't you eat?", "You're fat now", "how come you're so skinny anyway", these are body shaming words that we often hear.

Sometimes someone does body shaming just because they want to show attention, lighten the mood, have fun, or really mean to insult. Whatever the purpose, what is clear is that body shaming puts mental pressure on its victims.

The physical reproach cannot be taken lightly, because it can cause feelings of inferiority, stress and other mental disorders to the victim. But do you know that, apart from body shaming, there are other forms of reproach that can make the victim feel inferior.

1. Age Shaming

Age shaming, also known as ageism, is judging someone based on their age. Usually the treatment of age shaming is like thinking that younger people are still unstable and have no experience but have a burning spirit, while older people are often considered more mature, wise but rigid.

This is often seen when there are differences of opinion, the elderly feel right with their opinions because they feel much superior and have a lot of experience. Meanwhile, young people feel that their opinions are not respected because they are considered too young to be heard.

Even though no matter how old a person is, his opinion must still be respected!

2. Gender Shaming

“Why do men do skincare”, “women should be able to cook”, “what do women go to high school for”, “men shouldn't be a crybaby”, those are some examples of gender shaming or what can be called sexism.

Gender shaming compartmentalizes the behavior between women and men according to existing social constructions, resulting in discrimination against certain genders.

3. Single Shaming

Single shaming is a rebuke of someone who is single. Usually often done by those who already have a partner. In Indonesia, unmarried at a certain age will be considered concerned, lonely, and unhappy. That's why many of us are busy commenting and asking why someone is not married.

Even though it is not necessarily that people who are still single are not happy, because someone's happiness is different and not having a partner does not mean failure in life.

Well, it turns out that shaming is not only about the body, right? Make sure you don't do anything to insult other people.

Remember, negative comments can come at any time and from anyone. But, don't let those words make you feel down, because you have the right to do what makes you happy, the important thing is not to harm other people.

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