So that Stomach Acid Doesn't Rise After Iftar, Avoid These 4 Types of Food!


Towards the time of breaking the fast, usually people will prepare all kinds of food to be eaten with family or loved ones. Foods that are generally served to break the fast, such as compote, fried foods, pastries, and others. However, there are some foods that can trigger stomach acid.

For those who have a history of stomach acid or GERD, you should be more vigilant when choosing a menu for breaking the fast, so as not to trigger an increase in stomach acid. Launching on the Healthline page, there are foods that turn out to be triggers for stomach acid to rise. What are these foods? Check this out!


Chocolate is usually often found in desserts or desserts. However, if eaten directly on an empty stomach, it will be dangerous. According to research, eating chocolate can increase stomach acid, because it contains an ingredient called methylxanthine. This is certainly dangerous, especially for people with acute gerd.

Fried food

Fried food is one of the mandatory foods for breaking the fast. The taste is delicious and savory can add to the enjoyment when breaking the fast. However, if consumed in large quantities, it can trigger an increase in stomach acid.

Fried foods are high in saturated fat, even exceeding the recommended daily intake of fat. In this case, high-fat foods trigger stomach acid.

Spicy food

Eating spicy food when breaking the fast is one of the triggers for stomach acid to rise. This is because, iftar food that begins with a spicy taste can cause stomach pain to heartburn which can also result in diarrhea.

Spicy food consumed on an empty stomach can also cause stomach injuries. Instead, provide a glass of milk or other drinks that can neutralize the spicy taste of food.

Acidic Food

Basically, eating fruits is good for the health of the body. However, certain fruits are able to cause an increase in stomach acid, for example, fruits that tend to have a sour taste.

The sour taste found in fruits is a trigger for an increase in stomach acid in a person, especially an empty stomach such as when fasting. Therefore, avoid consuming acidic fruits to prevent the occurrence of stomach acid rising.

Those are the four types of foods that should be avoided when breaking the fast to prevent an increase in stomach acid. So, what are the menus for breaking the fast that you usually consume?

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