Police in London, England, who previously investigated the Lapsus$ hacker gang, named two teenagers aged 16 and 17 as suspects.
Both are suspects in hacking cases, specifically accessing a computer without permission with the aim of destroying data, unauthorized access to a computer with the aim of blocking data access, and one case of fraudulent false representation.
Then there is a special offense imposed against a 16-year-old hacker, which is to make a computer allow access to a program without permission.
However, the London Police refused to confirm or deny that the two were related to the hacking by Lapsus$, a hacker gang that has recently been active in hacking various large companies, including Microsoft, Samsung, Nvidia, and others.
Previously, London Police also arrested seven teenagers aged between 16 and 21 years in connection with the same investigation. They were later released, and the investigation continued.
Because the two suspects are underage, their identities have not been revealed to the public. But previously the BBC wrote that the 16-year-old boy who was previously arrested had the pseudonyms White and Breachbase.
He has autism and is enrolled in a special needs school. However, it is not known whether the teenager is the same as the suspect.
But what is clear, White is called the leader of the Lapsus$ hacker gang and has made a total of USD 14 million.
The teenager's father admitted that his son was very smart. "He never talks about hacking, but he is very smart about computers and spends a lot of time on computers. I think he is playing games," said the father.
Lapsus$ is classified as a new hacker group, but has succeeded in breaking into the systems of giant companies like Microsoft, then showing it off in cyberspace so that they become famous.